Building the roundhouse at Mount Forest...
Thanks, Jim. 

In the fifth photo from the bottom of my last post, the rear wall of stall #5, on the right, has been covered in  plastic brick sheet from Holgate & Reynolds.  It was left-over from the blast furnace build.  The bricks are rather small, especially in comparison to the ones on the exterior of the Korber roundhouse, but it's likely the only portion of interior wall which will be at all visible, as it's right beside the entrance aisle to the layout room, and at eye-level.  I don't plan on lighting this (or anything else for that matter) so am not too worried about it.  I'll be adding a couple of doors in that wall, too:  one for the office addition and a wider one for access to...well, I dunno what...perhaps a tool crib or maybe some basic maintenance supplies....grease cartridges for the Alemite guns, oil, kerosene, etc.

I've been in only a couple of roundhouses, and was more interested in the locomotives there than details present, so don't really know what to add....maybe nothing is needed, as it'll be pretty dark in there once the roof is in place.


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