Help getting started with Traction
It may be sacriligious to a true sleet cutter fan, but why not simply use HO flex track? The streets could be done in styrene or even plaster, with flangeways created by using cut-to-fit sections for the former or by using styrene angle stock to create the flangeways, cemented to the ties for the latter. The remainder of the space could then be filled-in using more plaster.

This area of street running trackage was done using .060" sheet styrene for the "pavement". I layed a large sheet of paper over the tracks, then used a pencil to do a rubbing in order to show the rail locations. The paper was then cut out and the edges traced onto the styrene, so that the sections could be cut - I used an X-Acto to initially follow the curved lines, then did the majority of the actual cutting using a utility knife. (It's important to make some reference marks on both the paper and the layout, and on the cut-out pieces of styrene, so that the pavement can be installed in exactly the correct locations - especially so on the curves, which may not be a consistent radius.)

[Image: Picturesfromnewcamera-2013063.jpg]


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