How do you build up fine turf (ground cover)?
Hi guys, well I need to call upon your skills once again. For all the help I've received in the past, I've done a pretty good job (I think) on my double deck layout (I've only started, but hey it's better than nothing =-).

I've run into a slight problem (probably pretty common), but I can't find a way around it. I've looked in my issues of Model Railroader and well, that's why I'm here. Here's what I've got. I recently started to add buildings to my layout. I'm trying to build up turf (ground cover) if you prefer to call it, around the structures and by the track but I've ran into a snag. I'm using scenic cement and Woodland Scenics Fine Turf Earth. I'll have an open area, saturate it with the scenic cement, and then spread the fine turf on. Now, after the fine turf dries (usually 24 hours), I'll take a paintbrush and brush off the excess (whatever didn't stick). When I noticed that I needed to add more ground turf to the first layer (some spots would be a little light) I would spray more scenic cement down...and that's when the problem starts Eek Even if I stay back a good 3-4 feet from the layout, when the scenic cement would hit the turf, it would start to clump it up. What am I doing wrong? :? I can't seem to be able to add additional layers without some clumping - then it becomes a real pain because I can't get a realistic looking ground without having mini chunks of ground turf everywhere. I'm using a Scenic Spray bottle. Could that type of spray bottle be the problem in itself? I've used numerous scenic spray bottles, but the problem still remains. Also, with that said, how do I seal it all in when I'm done? I've got a 2 year-old future model railroader in our house, and I don't want to get ground cover all over the place (let alone have a derailment and get my cars or engines gooped up.

Any help as usual will be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys Worship

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