HO gauge switching layout: Shenandoah Valley
CSX_UK Wrote:Agreed - I can imagine that if a spur ended next to a school they would probably put more safety measures in place than if it ended in an area of wasteland!

Having now built some of these kit-built rail stops I feel much more confident about building my own from scratch. This is my next challenge. I just need to get some more styrene sheets from ebay...

Unless things has changed since my last railroading days (Chessie 78-84) no,a simple bumper or wheel stops since there are other safety factors involved such as setting the hand brakes and OSHA unloading process requires chocking of the freight car wheels since a dock plate is in use.There are other OSHA safety requirements for loading/unloading other types of freight cars.

Another factor is the majority of large rail served industries has a security fence surrounding the property and this would also stop a slow moving freight car.

Summerset Ry

Make Safety your first thought, Not your last!  Safety First!

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