WPF 6/17 - 6/23/2016
Streetcar weekend! I visited a streetcar model club here in Dresden, Germany and took some pictures. Enjoy!

[Image: decker-reefer_020k.jpg]

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[Image: img_1804k.jpg]

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[Image: img_1810k.jpg]

All scenes are built after real locations here in my home city and they are built in the present existing appearance. Not one of buildings is simplified and often old and new buildings are standing side by side as they are seen on the layout. All streetcar models are built or modified after prototypes which did run in here in Dresden in years 1920 to present time.
The last two pictures show models of the most loved historic streetcar of Dresden, the so-calleg "big pike" (the fish) because its narrow front for better running through curves. It was a high speed streetcar with 50 mph, built in 1929-31 and were planned for use on a suburban line, however the lines were never built. Two of thes streetcars exist yet, one in running condition and will be used for specific events of Dresden streetcar museum. A picture yet of this prototype streetcar which runs from time to time.

[Image: grosserhecht-k.jpg]
Cheers, Bernd

Please visit also my website www.us-modelsof1900.de.
You can read some more about my model projects and interests in my chronicle of facebook.

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