Scratchbashing an HOn3 Reefer
I started with the body details today, specifically the grab irons.
[Image: DSCF6510_zpsacxlw7ct.jpg]
[Image: DSCF6513_zpsbji1n5td.jpg]
I bent them all with this:
[Image: DSCF6511_zpsxaieaolc.jpg]
It's a neat and cheap grab iron bending jig from Grandt Line. It will do both 17 and 20" grabs. I used the 17" for the reefer. I also cut the coupler pockets out of the end walls and drilled and tapped the coupler mounting holes.
[Image: DSCF6512_zps7xwswmba.jpg]
One last thing I did was to assemble a set of HNo3 Kadee couplers. I think they are #714. The only issue is that the coupler housing is made from the same slippery accetal plastic that the couple it made out of and I can't glue them together like a standard gauge #5 pocket. Is there any way to glue them (I used both plastic (styrene) glue and ACC) ?
Next, adding some doors

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