We need your feedback, all of you...
Guys, let's say I am very happy with Blue and the format is great. If I have a complaint it would be on the limit and method of uploading pictures. The one picture at a time is really obsolete and I have not done any posting that requires more than one or two pictures because of that, and I use the site for the pictures. It would be nice to be able to write a post, with pictures, with word or a similar program and copy and paste the whole post, including photos into a thread,
I don't mind if you want to be able to interact with social media, as long as the people that don't use it are not affected/effected 35 (which ever is correct)
I have not been real active lately and it isn't because of the forum, I just hit a rough stretch of road and it is a relief to be able to read the posts without posting too much.
Thanks to everyone for being here.

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