We need your feedback, all of you...
I don't have trouble reading the "stock" type-size, but do like the looks of bigger type.  If it were possible for users to permanently select a type-size (we can do so when replying to another post or creating a new one, but when we go to reply or start another post, the font size needs to be selected again).

Perhaps it could be an option like Big Blue Light and Big Blue Dark, where you could select your preferred font-size, and it would always be available without having to be re-selected every time you're here. 

Option 4 isn't bad, but I too like Option 5 even better. 

The size seems to better-suit photos, too, as it's more in-scale to the size of photos usually posted here.  The smaller font size is easily overlooked when used as a caption, especially if it's under a decent-size photo.


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