Hi! I'm New Here with a Small Layout
lajry Wrote:
ApartmentModelRRer Wrote:Andy, absolutely right! I was able to find info and switch lists for the actual prototype bakery online. It was a regional supplier, so bulk grain in and processed grain and finished goods out. Plus tankers and boxes. On the model I have 2 spots for boxes and grain hoppers, a spot for loading airslides, and a spot to unload tankers. Of course those spots all overlap in my limited space.

Those overlapping loading/unloading spots will keep the switching crew busy! You might even think about using a trackmobile to do all the internal switching. You could use that spur going above & to left for that switching.

In the future I hope to extend the bakery out about 16 inches. That will give me room to park 4 cars inside the gate, plus have room to model some of the processing and loading equipment and the bakery store that was onsite. A Trackmobile would be great for swapping cars and pulling out empties. I'll send that up to management!

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