My biggest layout to date
Thanks guys! But wait, it gets better!

I wanted rocks, and I wanted big random chaotic looking realistic rocks... you know, like in nature. I really like the Woodland Scenics plaster castings but after a while, of using the same few molds in a large area, you can start to pick out the repetitiveness. I tried my luck carving the 1" blue foam into rocks and while it looked pretty good up close, when you stepped back, it looked very uniform and blase. Perhaps if I could have found the 4" foam or better yet, some 6" foam. So, like I said, I started experimenting with Great Stuff expandable foam. I've never used it before, had no idea what I was doing but squirted a can on and started messing around.
This is what it looks like after it has cured (mostly). It gives very random shapes but there's not much detail and it looks almost ballooney in places.
[Image: File_Aug_23_9_08_31_PM.jpg]

However, if you carve on it for a while (several days in my case) with several different blades and knives, pulling out the existing shapes and accentuating them with cracks and such, and then apply a multitude of colors and a little bit of landscaping bushes, rocks and dirt, it turns out pretty good.
[Image: File_Aug_23_9_11_59_PM.jpg]

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