Bowser Loco Kits
Hi, All. Sorry, I have some sad news for those who want to build Bowser locos...prodded by a post from "Top Train" A the "other" gauge, e-mailed Bowser, and got a confirmation from Lee English that the locomotive KITS are to be discontinued. RTR locos, and PARTS will still be available. Apparently customers want RTR - the locomotive kits aren't paying the rent. Bowser's locos are unique in their quality for the dollar, and (for a Pennsy guy), examples of prototypes rarely available from other sources. Business is rough for everyone right now,so I hope Lee hangs on to the kit format and that we can give him reason to release them again. (No, I have no affiliation with Bowser , or English Hobbies - but my first HO loco was a Penn-Line {now Bowser} L-1 Mikado) Thanks for listening. Bob C.
James Thurber - "It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers."

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