Bowser Loco Kits
While I admit that Bowser is mostly 1950s/'60s tech in their steamers (mostly tooling bought from Penn-Line and others), they run well, in my experience,but aren't "easy" DCC conversions. The metal frame/boiler/cab has rudimentarily detail, but can be "tarted-up" with aftermarket parts to equal or surpass commercial brass, (see the PRRTHS "The Keystone Modeler" e-zine for examples). Some of the masters I understand, were re-worked, but could have been brought to contemporary standards - but weren't. As a PRR guy, Bowser is a major source of steam of the Pennsy stripe, catalogueing 8 or 10 types, most not available elsewhere on a regular basis, if at all. It's too bad business can't always fulfill the customer's every need, (would have liked to see Bowser apply its casting artistry to "N" scale, with complete engines or conversions to PRR engines) but perhaps when things begin to return to normal, for both the hobbiest and the suppliers, the kits will re-appear, and we'll get another chance. Hop for the best for us all. Bob C.
James Thurber - "It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers."

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