Logging Locos, Logging Track Plan, Logging Mill, Mainline Pick-up
There is a fair amount of elevated track in this logging area, and I am imagining that it will be riding over variable ground terrain,...NOT up on visible risers of any sort. But, for purposes of sorting out the grades, etc I am placing the track up on these cheap plastic risers for this planning exercise.

So how to I build in these elevations and grades. My first thoughts were the use of Woodland Scenics foam riser sets, but I discovered some problems with that idea. I started this other subject thread to ask about this product,
Incline/Decline 'foam risers'

I am now thinking that the use of foamcore/foamboard roadbed spanning the short distances between risers made of foam would be my best bet. I can then obtain the 'custom grades' that my compact track plan forced upon me, and I generate the easements in grade at the two terminal ends of the grade.

I'm thinking I can just lay out the track plan onto the foamcore/balsa ballast why lying on level ground, ....then come back and add the risers underneath to the heights I desire,...then eventually attach the terrain shape to the edges of the foamcore roadbed.

Messages In This Thread
Gallows Style Turntable - by railandsail - 07-27-2019, 12:44 PM
Bridge Across Log Pond - by railandsail - 07-27-2019, 12:49 PM
RE: Logging Locos, Logging Track Plan, Logging Mill, Mainline Pick-up - by railandsail - 08-03-2019, 01:01 PM
15"radius vs 18" radius - by railandsail - 10-09-2019, 07:34 AM

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