Sylvan SS and Westerfield USRA boxcar
That extra grabiron was introduced in the mid-'30s, but it took some time for railroads to add them to their entire fleet of rolling stock.

I have lots of cars with single ones, and lots with the second one added, too, as my layout is set in the late '30s.
When Accurail release their version of the Dominion-Fowler 36' boxcars, I changed the board-style "wooden" roofs into metal-sheathed ones, using .010" sheet styrene, and some strip styrene for the battens.  I also removed some of the cast-in-place doors, and replaced them with various types of doors from my "Parts Department".  All of the cast-on grabirons were replaced with wire ones, with some, but not all, cars getting the second one.

I had intended to add some photos of them, but pictures from the "new" photobucket will not show here as pictures, but rather are replaced with the single word "undefined".  I'm guessing that it's something in the Forum software, as they will show on some other sites.

Instead, here's a LINK to an earlier thread showing the modifications.


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RE: Sylvan SS and Westerfield USRA boxcar - by doctorwayne - 07-12-2020, 12:59 AM

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