To file or not to file?
Just read through the thread. I've got a little adjustable Weller with a nice depression in the stand for a sponge (included). Micro-mark, once again!

Anyway, I can attest to the troubles Loren is having. For me the issue was just not letting it get hot enough. I think it will take me a while to figure out where to set it for the best results (then making a mark on the dial face to remember it!) using the particular solder I've got. It's nothing fancy, just Radio Shack Resin Core. Flux does help a heap, as has been said already.

But really, a good hot iron is like a good sharp Xacto blade - there really is no substitute and a dull blade, like an almost-hot iron, will most likely injure you or do some damage to your work eventually.

Glad you got it working, Loren!

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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