The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #X.. Stop In!!!
Good morning folks

It is currently the temperature is 68. We are heading up to 91 which will be the lowest high temperature we experience for at least the next ten days. Water will be my constant companion on the job site this week.

The weekend had ups and downs. We got almost all of the planting done. There are some pansies that were in the window boxes that need to be transplanted to a shady spot in the back yard gardens. I got some of my winter clothing exchanged for summer. I did some laundry. Made a run to the grocery store, but did not make it to the pharmacy.

Yesterday the family took me to dinner to a place called Taste of Britian. There I attended a high tea and some English food. I enjoyed it. However, I could not finish all the food and boxes came home with us.

On Saturday we had a scary moment with our cats. Our two tabbies who are brothers were sitting in an open window enjoying the evening air. Without warning we heard the most blood curling scream from one of the cats. The cats flew out of the windows and nearby objects were knocked on the floor. One cat exited the room with a tail three times the normal size. The other cat continued with sounds I have never heard from a cat. Thinking he was injured my daughter rushed to him. He was not injured, just needed comforting. What caused this. Another cat had jumped up on the outside window sill right in front of our cats. Thank the heavens no one went through the screen.

I ran some trains. I ran my new BLI Jersey Central Baldwin Sharknose and every so often it would stall of slow down at three spots on the layout in DCC. I cleaned the track several times and it would run fine for a while and then start the slowing down again. Again, I would clean, and the cycle continued. I was running a 30-car wood reefer train with a mix of RTR and kits from all manufacturers. After a car split a switch, which was also happening more often than normal, I noticed the problematic cars all still had plastic wheels. I switched out the plastic wheels on about eight cars and low and behold all the problems stopped. No more derailments, no more stalling or slowing down. I can’t believe I forgot to check the wheels on the older cars. I did not get to work on the bridges area.

I hope tonight to get some work done on the bridges area.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning all, I hope all you dads had a great day yesterday. Pat called to let me know that they canceled Dad's Day dinner since his wife was sick. We should have something tonight, which is our usual family dinner night.

No changes in either the weather or gas prices, both running stable. We do have another wildfire nearby up at Bartlett Lake. Human caused, all camper were evacuated since it started at a campground. The BLM shuts down all their areas to shooters for the summer, we normally don't go to any Federal property to shoot anyway, but shooting is not the issue, it's what they choose to use as targets that is. We shoot plastic bottles and golf balls, some shoot metal targets that can cause a spark and a few shoot tannerite which will cause a big boom when hit. Target shooting isn't the issue, it's the shooter's mentality that is. Besides, it's way too hot to go out in the desert for any reason.

Have a great day today, I understand there's some nasty weather out there, be careful please...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good afternoon

     We have a 4 day heat wave coming this week but the hottest on record was in 1931 and again in 1943. we won't get near those records and with air conditioning I won't notice the heat.  Icon_e_biggrin

      I heard from all of my kids yesterday, even the one that lives the farthest. He misses me so he says. I haven't seen him since Christmas. (he lives 14 miles away.) 
My oldest grandson stopped with his wife and 3 girls and we had a nice visit. 

       I slept in this morning despite both dogs trying to make me get up so the grass that needs mowed will wait for cooler hours. 

       I fixed the headlights in a NS heritage unit yesterday, they were just shoved in the holes and would fall out. I used some Elmers to hold them in so a little water will release them if need be. 

      I hope everyone has a great week. 

Hi all. well, Monday is upon us again not much planned for this week got to get to work on challenges the stockyard kit is a bust will post photos later but as i said before the kit maker has no clue as to what one should look like so it's going to be bashed instead. waiting for new glasses from VA hope that will Insite me to do some work.
stay safe Jim.
After vanishing on Friday, reappearing on Saturday and leaving again on Sunday morning, I have my fingers crossed that our tenant fawn has gotten strong enough to follow mom around the area. My son took me to the Orioles/Phillies game on Sunday (he wearing orange and black, me with red white and blue), and before leaving I finished the lower section of the lawn. Didn't care for the outcome of the game, but you can't always get what you want on Father's Day.

Weed whacked and got the blower out tonight after work to finish the lawn - looks like we're getting a dose of very hot and dry over the next week so I probably won't cut this week.

Looks like I'll have to sub for another member of my golf team tomorrow night and I'll be playing 18 at The Links at Gettysburg on Juneteenth. With the hot weather I'll probably be spending a good bit of time down here in the dungeon, so I do believe the coal storage kit might get done in short order.
Check out my "Rainbows in the Gorge" website:
Good morning everyone, a cooling trend has arrived, only 108 yesterday, the record is 118 in 2021, and the next few days will be even lower before we're back into the 110+. Humidity, that was around 8%. I've turned on the humidifier in the bedroom, it's dry. They're starting to add a very slight chance of rain in the forecast, anywhere from 2% to 15%, but that's easy since we are in our monsoon season and late afternoon storms can come out of nowhere.

Just checked, Sam's Club gas down a penny to $3.34, (I'm sure Costco will match that today), still about 19 cents lower than most other stations.

Not much else going on here I'm just about finished with my Christmas projects and should be able to get into my layout challenge before the weekend.

Take care, stay safe and enjoy the day....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
We're getting temps up to 33C (91.4F) plus thunderstorms (which we haven't really noticed). SWMBO took a walk early in the morning, but later we went to a mall so that I could get my exercise.

We went off and the car started screaming at us. No verbal message. Dayle said the was a light on in the picture of a car on the dash -- I couldn't see any lights on. Then a red bar across the back. Hatch lid was slightly loose. I couldn't get it open. Fiddling around with the locks and it finally would unlatch.

I have complained before that the 300 page manual doesn't have an entry for "Beeps, Assorted".
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Greetings, gang.

65 now going to the low 70s. 30% to 60% chances for rain now through Saturday.

Fun trip to visit family. Bonus visit from my niece and one of her daughters. Lots of teasing and laughter all around. The trip home was easy and according to my car I got over 40 mpg thanks to a 30 mph tail wind. Calculate mileage was over 35 mpg.

This morning is laundry and then a ball game at ten. Also need to make a grocery run for staples (milk, bread, etc.). Then another ball game at 6 this evening.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, just a quickie, got a 6:30 appointment at the car dealer for recalls and assorted blunders. My Honda Ridgeline has that "engine off" when you stop for a red light and sometimes it actually stalls out and doesn't start back up automatically. They apparently have a program fix for that now. Anyway, got less than an hour to get breakfast and off to the dealer. They also keep bugging me for recalls that have not caused me any issues, I just need to clear them by showing up.

Have a great day...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Just checked my rain gauge. Got 2 1/4 inches of rain overnight.
Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good Morning 

     I am glad to read you had a good trip Tom. You were missed here.  

    The heat wave continues here and it is not a dry heat, but it is a cool dry 73 in the house and can be cooler if needed.  4 more days they claim.  I have a section of grass about 200 x 50 foot that will not get cut until the temperature drops. I will probably work on trains and avoid heat stroke.  

     Stay safe

Greeting, gang.

62 with 96% humidity. Supposed to get to around 80 later on.

Yesterday was rest and get the laundry caught up. Ball game at 6 last night was fun as usual. I only got a couple of questions as to why I didn't ride my bike (still tired from 2 days of driving). Today I need to mow and then there's always the ever popular trip to the gym.

Thanks, Charlie. I have the donor boxcar primed but still trying to get the paint to work in my airbrush.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning.

      We still have hot and humid. I worked on a locomotive yesterday, big deal, I just put the couples back on and test ran it.  I gave up on installing ditch lights before I even started because I think the instructions are wrong. I will do more research. It's an Athearn with a DCC ready board and I am thinking there must be a place on that board to wire them 

     NS has donated the old freight station to the village.  They had it completely rebuilt on the outside with a new roof and new board and batten siding and new handicapped walkways. The inside is still gutted and there are no windows. NS gave the village a check for $100,000 to finish the interior for what ever purpose needed. There is no plumbing and it will need electricity too. It would make a nice community train layout but other than that I have no idea what good it will be. Being right next to the tracks in a town with folks that are now terrified of the railroad might not be the greatest location, and there are already enough thrift  and antique stores and even a dollar general in town. 

     Passing along wishes for a great day for all.
Thur. 6/20
Hello Blue
90s all week, again I say for us that's hot. Heat storms yesterday afternoon did the usual tree damage and power outages. Doctor visits have kept us busy. Today we managed to get some shopping done. Daughter and family are in Cancun this week, I hope the worst of the storm is missing them.'
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning, got up regular time, just been busy. We're trying to put together a Catholic friends forum to replace one that was pulled out from under us a few weeks ago. if anyone is interested in joining, (like Big Blue, no fees just donations as needed), just PM me and I'll keep you posted.

We had a major temp dip yesterday, down to 106, but we'll be back on track today with a high expected of 111. it's only going to go up from there. They're talking a really slight chance of rain, but I doubt it. The TV lady said last night that last year's monsoon season only produced 0.15" of rain over the three months.

I hope everyone has avoided those nasty storms and relenting heat waves, or at least remained safe if you can't. We here are used to the heat, a heat wave to us is somewhere around 120 degrees.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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