Construction on the Trinity Sabine & Gulf
Len, the track, textures and foliage...and the stream...look excellent. I do want to point out...maybe it's just the camera/lens/perspective...the curve just this side of the bridge seems to take quite a sharp could pose problems for your equipment, and - if it is as it seems, should be easier and less painful to correct now. Fine work on this new beginning - I'm sure to learn something and will be following your progress. Bob C.
James Thurber - "It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers."
Bob, thanks for the comments and the heads up on the curve. Actually it was supposed to be a 20" radius - it just didn't quite come out that way... But its also not quite as sharp as it looks in the photo - its still a tad more than 18"r thru the kinky looking area. I did run my 0-6-0 switcher and a couple of 40' boxes over it with no problems. Nevertheless, it'll probably get pulled up and redone...

And thanks everyone for your comments and critique!
Its not my job to run the train
toot the whistle or ring the bell
But let the damned thing jump the track
and see who catches Hell!
Been working on a couple of cabooses and structures, but did manage to get a little more scenery on the first section...
[Image: IMG_0971.JPG]

Thanks for looking and commenting!
Its not my job to run the train
toot the whistle or ring the bell
But let the damned thing jump the track
and see who catches Hell!
Nicely done! Worship
That is looking VERY nice....I like that trackwork...!!
I can't believe you are working with code 55....I have a hard time handling the 100.. :oops:

I share your opinion on the ModgePodge....Needs a darker tint...Apart from that, everything is... Thumbsup
Gus (LC&P).
I like it too! Nice work on the scenery. Everything is blending together well.
Quote:I did run my 0-6-0 switcher and a couple of 40' boxes over it with no problems. Nevertheless, it'll probably get pulled up and redone...

Do you really LIKE pulling up and redoing track? I guess I'm just not one of those folks that says, "I'll just do something then if it doesn't work I'll re-do it.", but someone who says, "I'll try to do it right the first time and ONLY if it doesn't work will I consider redoing it."

I guess what I'm asking is, did you lay that stretch of track carelessly or was it just for practice, or...what? I'm not trying to be a jerk or overly critical, just wondering about your thought process.

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!
ocalicreek Wrote:
Quote:I did run my 0-6-0 switcher and a couple of 40' boxes over it with no problems. Nevertheless, it'll probably get pulled up and redone...

Do you really LIKE pulling up and redoing track? I guess I'm just not one of those folks that says, "I'll just do something then if it doesn't work I'll re-do it.", but someone who says, "I'll try to do it right the first time and ONLY if it doesn't work will I consider redoing it."

I guess what I'm asking is, did you lay that stretch of track carelessly or was it just for practice, or...what? I'm not trying to be a jerk or overly critical, just wondering about your thought process.


I don't need this kind of crap
Its not my job to run the train
toot the whistle or ring the bell
But let the damned thing jump the track
and see who catches Hell!
Quote:I don't need this kind of crap

I apologize - I really didn't mean to sound so critical. It was not my intention to insult or offend you, but all the same I apologize if it came across that way...sounds like it did. :oops:

I'll just shut up now and go back to lurking or find a different forum where I won't offend so many people with my questions. Sorry for trying to understand you better.

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!
Hey gents,

I guess that the WAY we say things can have more impact than WHAT we actually mean so its always a good idea to read one's own remarks a couple of times before hitting the "submit" button. We take a risk any time we post pics of our work for others to see, but what would the forum be if we didn't take that risk and provide thanks to all who do that! In return, we rely on each other to take a constructive attitude when providing criticisms. And then we get to choose how we'll respond to criticisms we don't like. Hopefully we can do all of that in a way that is encouraging and promotes a sense of mutually supportive modeling here.

Since this is a backwoods logging railroad, I never saw a problem with the trackwork in the first place. The "not exactly perfect" radius would seem to fit this type of railroad. I mean, the track crews wouldn't have been using GPS equipment to get perfect transitions into the curves and a perfect radius. Plus, the roadbed would not have been packed and leveled and perfect upon installation, and subsequent settling would also make the track less than perfect as compared to a class 1. As long as the rollingstock and locos will go through there with no derailments, I say leave it exactly as it is, because it fits the theme.

As for Galen's question, I don't think it was meant to be offensive. As for my modeling, I always hope that others are looking at my photos with a "constructive criticism" look and will ask questions, both to help me and themselves.
The color of your ground cover and foliage blend together REALLY well, making for a very convincing scene. That's one area I am not quite happy with on my own scenery.
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I owe everyone here an apology. To all for my crass and uncalled for reply and to you, Galen, for misunderstanding your post. Please gentlemen, accept my apologies.

On to business... This is the first section of my first, and most likely only, layout. And yes, this first section is practice, experimentation, learning, etc. From trackwork, and scenery to structures, I'm learning as I go; seeing what works and what doesn't; seeing what I like and don't like. For me, the therapy is in the building of the layout, the structures, rolling stock, scenery, etc. So yes, you may see me rebuilding, redoing, etc.

Constructive criticism and positive comments makes us all better. I will continue to welcome your critique and comments, and hope mine will be taken positively as well.

As one of my history professors once said, "It ain't gonna be no masterpiece so get on with it!"

Thanks Ralph & Mikey!
Its not my job to run the train
toot the whistle or ring the bell
But let the damned thing jump the track
and see who catches Hell!
Smile I'm glad that you changed your mind on the issue. I respect you for that.

Now back to the layout! Thumbsup

No worries, Len. It's all too easy to be misunderstood on these forum posts, and all too easy to type before thinking, especially late at night. I've NEVER done that... :oops: Confusedhock:

I've been modeling steadily for just over 20 years and have learned to come at it from a different approach. I'm not a planner by nature - though if you've read some of my planning threads you'd never guess. So it fascinates me, in a nerdy intellectual kind of way, to learn about how folks think and plan and execute the plans from a dream in the mind to reality on the layout.

I hope to never pontificate about how it 'should' be done. Too much planning can result in that 'analysis paralysis', and not enough can have equal troubles of its own. Each approach has merit and we all tend to favor one way or the other, or fall somewhere in between.

Anyway, I do have to say I really like how the water has turned out. Do you have a close-up shot of the bridge now that the water is dry?

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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