Planning new FWWR layout
Thanks for the complements. Worked has slowed to a crawl as its graduation season for my daughter, she has spent the last four years at Texas A&M in the Band and is ready to go into the workforce. The Wife and I are really proud of her and she starts her new job on the 20 of May in her field, what luck. So after that I will be full tilt into getting this thing going. Currently spending time on plans for the structures and doing track work when time permits.
Wayne Snyder
Creating the Ft Worth Sub - FWWR
Last weekend after honey do chores got the rest of weekend to work on layout.

Tore out old portion of track work and was able to get replacement roadbed down. Was able to proceed from the yard across Will Rodger Blvd:
[Image: IMG_0161.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0163.jpg]

These two pictures will become a concrete canyon of sorts, against the backdrop will be a structure that will become Alcon Laboratories and the structure along the aisle will be Ball Corp. Here is what I hope to be able to create:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=",+tx&hl=en&ll=32.650356,-97.312858&spn=0.002048,0.004128&sll=31.168934,-100.076842&sspn=17.011203,33.815918&t=h&hnear=Everman,+Tarrant,+Texas&z=19&layer=c&cbll=32.650592,-97.313017&panoid=OF9RP9rSQOUeABfxxxsdwA&cbp=12,263.48,,0,6.27">, ... 48,,0,6.27</a><!-- m -->

Around the corner to what will become the peninsula for Miller Brewery this will be a 5' x 5' representation of the brewery:

[Image: IMG_0162.jpg]

The storage track and leads are in and when track and basic scenery are done in this area the peninsula will be built.
Wayne Snyder
Creating the Ft Worth Sub - FWWR
Nice progress ! Thumbsup

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Been a little while so I thought I might update everybody on the layout, not a lot of speed but some is better than none.

The next phase of road bed was laid. This area represents the end of the line of the Everman Park. This will be for the following industries: Everman Paper, Ft Worth Lumber, Delta Steel and Green Bay Packaging.

[Image: IMG_0207.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0206.jpg]

Track work was also added for the Miller brewery leads:

[Image: IMG_0203.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0204.jpg]

After this track work is completed the last peninsula will be added for the brewery itself.

I also upgraded my Digitrax to radio control, this was huge as I'm a cheap SOB, but it is nice to be able to run trains without pulling all my hair out.

I also added to my ever growing engine fleet. I purchase a GP40-2 from a gentleman from another site. He made RMPX 6411 which the FWWR purchase last year. With a little more detailing work, Tsunami install and some weathering, this will be a nice addition to the layout.

[Image: IMG_0208.jpg]
Wayne Snyder
Creating the Ft Worth Sub - FWWR
Nice to see someone is making progress! Cheers

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Sure is! I had to tear down my FWWR layout... or what little of a layout it was. It will return, but it is good seeing this layout making progress. And it's so close to the proto it's not funny!
Thanks guys. Progress has been slow, but starting to speed up. Now that I got my Digitrax operating again, its got a fire under my but to get things running. Nice to be able to come home from work, have some dinner, then off to the train room and run some trains. This weekend hope to finish off the track, need to go by LHS and get a few more switches. Also start soldering down leads so that I can run trains better. Right now all I have is a single set of leads to run, its about 25' of track that runs, but it runs. Need to separate the track plan into two separate districts for my PM42, should be no problem, but its about 75 linear feet of track and i hate wiring. But if I get this done I will be able to get it operational so its a motivation.
Wayne Snyder
Creating the Ft Worth Sub - FWWR
Well over the holiday was able to spend some time working on the layout. The lead to the Everman Branch was completed, I now have track from one end to the other about 80 linear feet.

[Image: IMG_0210.jpg]

[Image: IMG_0209.jpg]

So now I can start adding all the track for the industries and the yard.

[Image: IMG_0211.jpg]
Wayne Snyder
Creating the Ft Worth Sub - FWWR
Looks like you've made great progress Thumbsup It always helps the motivation once trains are running Cheers


Such is life
did you see where tru color came out with the paint for the fwwr? if you are into painting your own locos, anyway.
Yes, Since Testors is dropping a lot of brands from there line I ordered a couple of bottles to try from Highball Graphics and also the newer graphic decals from them. Have a bunch of Locomotive that need to be finished. Currently have about 7 engines in various levels of work, with about 10 more in boxes waiting to start Wallbang . Need to get off my ass and complete some of these before Nov for the meet in KS.
Wayne Snyder
Creating the Ft Worth Sub - FWWR
there is a hobby shop here that has the paint in stock, keep bugging him to get the decals.
Been working on the Honey do's for the wife so not much modeling has been done over the last few months. I was able to work on the layout over the weekend so here are some photos of progress.

I removed switch's to install Tortoises fot RTP and the left side of the yard:

[Image: 94adcafb-d76d-4562-9731-116015451e41.jpg]

[Image: DSCN0339s.jpg]

[Image: f0f1959e-4cfa-4c8b-bf38-bb50408fe98b.jpg]

I was also able to start working on the base scenery for RTP

[Image: IMG_0459s.jpg]

[Image: DSCN0338s.jpg]

[Image: DSCN0340s.jpg]
Wayne Snyder
Creating the Ft Worth Sub - FWWR
You have a double edged sword of plenty of space but more work to fill it. I like the look and feel of the prototype and you are doing a nice job modelling it. Does Bungle Oils load or unload the tank cars they receive? It look like it would be an interesting operation to model.

Modeling a freelanced, present day short line set in Nova Scotia, Canada.
Hi there,
nice looking layout.Any progress on this one?Would be fine to see some more of this projekt....

Building the BC-Rail Dawson Creek Subdivision in H0 scale

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