Ralph's Orphan Challenge
This seems like a true orphan to me. I've had these Athearn shorty RDCs for years. One is powered by rubber band drive and the other is a dummy. I purchased the gearing package at least three years ago. But, it has all sat in a drawer. The challenge is to get these two units...
[Image: 001_zps6f92f8e9.jpg]
... looking like my other KP&W RDC (A PK unit) and running with the better drive
[Image: 003-11_zps2f92745d.jpg]
Cool stuff Ralph.
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  
My first HO set was the Athearn RDC and I got that at Christmas 1959. Those units aren't around anymore.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Well, I failed. The Ernst re-gearing was a more complicated project than I expected and I apparently didn't do a very good job with it. I imagined it would be simply a matter of dropping in a new powered truck, but the project required cutting and modification of the RDC's frame and cutting and reconfiguring of the drive shaft and couplings. The RDC runs roughly despite several re-attempts to tweak it. Oh well...I bought the rubber band drive RDC cheaply from a bargain shelf at my LHS and the biggest expense was the Ernst kit itself.

I think the unit will be sent to Sal's Savlage, making it one of the larger jobs they've done!
[Image: 004_zps8748b284.jpg]
[Image: 002_zps3f00baef.jpg]
The Ernst kits are truly awful.

I recall back in the 60's (showing my age) that we used to be able to slow down the Athearn "Hi-Fi" drives a bit by wrapping adhesive tape around the large drum on the drive axle. A friend actually got one of the old Hustler's to run quite a bit slower than it did out of the box by doing that. At least it didn't go from 0 to 60 instantly after he worked on it - probably something like 0 to 25 instantly Icon_lol.
"Friends don't let friends build Timesavers"
If you are serious and you retire it, I am looking for an RDC to turn into a coach or combine, I'd be interested in buying it off you.

Dave, it's yours. I actually have two of them...one is a dummy and you are welcome to that one as well. I still recall your generosity in sending the Conrail cabin car that I turned into a PC caboose. I'll happily send them to you. PM me your address again please.

FCIN Wrote:Ralph;

I recall back in the 60's (showing my age) that we used to be able to slow down the Athearn "Hi-Fi" drives a bit by wrapping adhesive tape around the large drum on the drive axle. A friend actually got one of the old Hustler's to run quite a bit slower than it did out of the box by doing that. At least it didn't go from 0 to 60 instantly after he worked on it - probably something like 0 to 25 instantly Icon_lol.

I actually did that! I wrapped tape around the drive shaft and then shoved a large diameter drinking straw on the tape for the rubber band. It did help a bit.
jwb Wrote:The Ernst kits are truly awful.

Glad to know it wasn't just me! Smile
Nope Ralph, Smile it wasn't just you. The Ernst re-gearing kit for the Hustler, worked, but was a bit if a " Finagle " :oops: to get running smoothly, :o and, quietly Icon_lol .
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Good to know! After several tries I decided my last attempt was the "final finagle" Smile
REPRIEVE! The RDCs were saved from the cutting torches at Sal's Salvage and are being shipped to a car builder in Maryland that has a use for them! The decommissioned pair make a rare sight on West Mill's car float as they begin their journey.

[Image: 004_zps29ff750c.jpg]
Not a re-gear but a re-motor - I replaced the drive on a dummy RDC, with a SPUD - the weight of the car not only improved the pick-up of power, but slowed it to a (somewhat) more realistic speed - and yes, ir did involve a bit of metal surgery to the xhassis

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