another breaker endangered
I must be living in a hole in the ground , Because I missed this.

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St. Nic. and Huber are the only remaining coal breakers left, Huber is owned by a scrap co. and looks like St. Nic will now be coming down. Several attempts were made to preserve at least one of these buildings. They were the driving force behind the industrial revolution that provided this country great prosperity. St. Nic was owned by the county after it was donated by the coal co. but, I guess that has changed.

Here's a vid of the breaker.
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 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  
I suppose its like most things..Property tax and liability vs. scrap value and all to sadly the majority of the time the scrap value wins out unless a historical group comes forth and intervenes by trying to have it donated.

Summerset Ry

Make Safety your first thought, Not your last!  Safety First!
Not so much scrap value as real estate value to developers...
MountainMan Wrote:Not so much scrap value as real estate value to developers...

Steel and copper has a fairly high scrap value..I seen them tear out industrial buildings here in Bucyrus and the land is still vacant and been vacant for years.

Summerset Ry

Make Safety your first thought, Not your last!  Safety First!
A little late for that one 35 And we were talking about going up there again

MountainMan - There's no reason to build up there, nothing of worth in the area

Model Conrail

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