Freelance 2015-2
This is the day when I glued the window frames into the wall all day long. And there will be another day in my live when I do fire escapes all day long..... Wink

[Image: IMG_4286_zps9vnuh1yg.jpg]
[Image: IMG_4287_zpsnz0lvmrx.jpg]
The scene is starting to have that NYC marine terminal feel with the brick building. Very nice.

Proudly modelling Quebec Railway Light & Power Company since 1997.

Hedley-Junction Club Layout:

Erie 149th Street Harlem Station
I felt the building with the spur underneath looked somewhat out of proportion. A massive and expensive concrete structure to support only two additional stories sound no good to me. I added two more stories to get the proportions right. The plain wall fits a cold storage fine.
My tough luck I had none of the original brown paint and had to mix a new one with limited success....

[Image: IMG_4289_zps6lpjqoes.jpg]
[Image: IMG_4290_zpsordnwepz.jpg]
That looks really cool! It reminds me of Metropolitan Storage in Boston. Nice to see those big brick structures coming together.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=",-71.095367,3a,75y,276.43h,104.51t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sFzZGGM0OTx7BLYe9CCwHhA!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656!4m2!3m1!1s0x89e370aaf1cc1ad1:0x9b3a6afe8be81fb5!6m1!1e1"> ... b5!6m1!1e1</a><!-- m -->
To avoid all that window & fire ladder work just use pix & slap them on your backdrops. LOL
Andy Jackson
Santa Fe Springs CA
ATSF/LAJ Ry Fan & Modeler
I was not sure if the two different brick colors will really fit together this night. They came out totally unacceptable with day light in the morning.
Lucky me the windows came out quite easy and a new layer of paint was applied and black washed.

This two photos are taken with day light only. They reflect the colors quite well. Looks like the sun has a lot of fun emphasizing the gaps in the wall Sad
[Image: IMG_4291_zpsu7btqycc.jpg]
[Image: IMG_4292_zpsnqnglm0p.jpg]

HustleMuscle6430 Wrote:That looks really cool! It reminds me of Metropolitan Storage in Boston ....
It is always scary and impressive as well to see the dimensions of industrial prototype structures. It would be challenging to build a larger Z-scale layout aiming for correct size of industrial buildings.

A question:
The prototype photos show virtually no traffic signs and road markings in the harbor areas in the 1930s and 1940s. Is that impression correct?
There appear to be street signs and street lamps, but not markings on the pavement. I've seen some photos that show markings in the 1960's though.

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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 24x486.jpg</a><!-- m -->

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Got a ramp, a platform and a short team track at the right hand side.
[Image: IMG_4294_zpspw6xnhns.jpg]
[Image: IMG_4293_zpst01h0fzm.jpg]
The current heat helps to shrink a Cornerstone yard office Wink

[Image: IMG_4298_zpsngp0l7su.jpg]
The cobblestone sheets are perfect aligned until I apply the wash.... Sad

[Image: IMG_4299_zpsqyrih8bs.jpg]
The "horse & buggy" scenery is a real nice touch!
Andy Jackson
Santa Fe Springs CA
ATSF/LAJ Ry Fan & Modeler
I have got an idea how to have two brick canyons with minimal physical and optical blocking.

[Image: IMG_4300_zpsgx5orodi.jpg]
[Image: IMG_4301_zpsyhbe87od.jpg]
I like the idea from this morning and started assembling the walls and roofs immediately.
[Image: IMG_4305_zpsgwd6jabu.jpg]

There was an empty slot in the center that got filled with walls and a roof too.
[Image: IMG_4306_zpscssikhsj.jpg]
The buildings got painted and washed this morning and all afternoon and early night was devoted to window frame and window pane glueing.

[Image: IMG_4307_zps0pgsgjfs.jpg]
[Image: IMG_4308_zpslxgz2r52.jpg]
Looks like those buildings ALL need freight cars parked in front of them! Maybe a few could use docks & or their own spur.
Andy Jackson
Santa Fe Springs CA
ATSF/LAJ Ry Fan & Modeler

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