E-paw's EOY challenge.
You have done it! As i read it was a long term project for you and it is a very good feeling when such an project comes to a sucessful end. My congratulations to you.

Greetings Lutz
Good to see one of these many projects finished..!! And it sure is a beauty..Definitely a front-runner... Thumbsup
Gus (LC&P).
Just when I thought I was finished Christmas comes around and a gift from my wife shines some light on a neglected detail on the K-1. She gave me a bunch of back issues from the Anthracite Railroad historical society's magazine called "Flags, Diamonds, and Statues ." In volume 16 #3, there is a rear shot of K-1as # 446 that shows a canvas weather canopy tied up on the rear cab roof. This was something that I just had to add. I used an idea that I saw here on Big Blue to simulate the canvas tarp using old teabags ( sorry, I just don't remember who it was or I would give them credit ). The Teabag was cut to shape, Tied with some string, and glued in place with some CA.     A nice finishing touch to the model.

Also, while I was digging around in my parts box I came across my first two attempts at making the frame for this model.    

    One was soldered together from brass pieces, and the other I milled from a solid chunk of brass. I was not happy with the way that either of these came out and ended up modifying a Mantua frame to fit.
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  
Just wanted to post this pic of one of the Lehigh Vally's 4-8-0's that I found on the Fallen flag web site.
[Image: lv-s42o.jpg]
You can see It's a bit different than my CNJ version. Check out that rear cab.
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  
That's not a camelback.......It's an Apartment Building!!!! 357 357

.......and a Mastodon at that !!
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
That pipe you are talking about appears to be the boiler feed-water line from the tender, to the injector, that would be mounted on the side of the boiler, just behind the smoke box.
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!

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