Rail Crew Switch Machines
Has anyone seen Rapido's new switch motors yet? If so I am wondering if they supply the control switch with it like they do with there electric uncoupler? And if so is it push button or toggle?
Modeling the Canadian National prairie region in 1959.
Jason posts on the RMweb forum <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/">http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/</a><!-- m --> - so you could ask direct
Thanks Shortliner. I should have been more specific. Rapido sent samples to hobby shops and model railway clubs in Ontario and I was wondering if anyone had actually seen one? Jason does not give out much information but that they passed company approval and were shipped from China, and must have failed drastically by modelers standards and were sent back to China for a remake. Uncouplers are due back this month and switch machines in May or June.

One note on the uncoupler it appears to have an on off toggle switch to operate it instead of a push button. This means at some point it could get left on and over heat the coil and possibly start a fire, especially if you have stirafoem sub roadbed.

Another question on the switch machine is how is it fastened into the sawed hole? None of their information mentions or shows this. Thy just say drill the pilot hole from above and hole saw from below one guy asked how do you know how far to saw so as not to tare up the track above? Jason never answered this.

Rapido only seams to answer emails if you are a dealer or a customer with a warranty problem. and they will not admit to any short falls or problems with their equipment.

If any one has seen any of these at a shop or club I would like too know what you think?
Modeling the Canadian National prairie region in 1959.

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