Notifications... what, again?
Just and inquiry, but is anyone getting email notifications about any new PM's? We fixed the notification issue a while back, but I've been getting notifications for things like thread subscription activity, but not when someone sends me an email. I do get the popup when I come here, just not the email. Remember, you can select whether to get them or not in your profile. If this is a common problem, I'll let Packey know and see if he can't fix it. I hate it when things like this break.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
I have sent some PM's but they were never opened so I am thinking they never got an email notification. I must go to my inbox to see if I have had any replies. I haven't checked lately. I may send a pm to check.

Could be that some people aren't aware that they have a PM waiting to be read. I've set my profile to allow both email notifications and popups when I have a unread PM waiting. You can do that by going to your "User Control Panel/board preferences", then select "edit global settings". There you will be able to select if you want email notifications of PM's and/or popups when you come here logged on. Right now, the popups seem to be working, the email notifications aren't. I've let Packey know and he'll check it out. No big deal, but it is a feature that should be working for those that use it.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
At this moment, I have: "User Control Panel ( 0 new messages ) * View Your posts".
I have been getting the "you Have ## new messages" , when there are messages to view.
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Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
I almost never get email notifications. Granted, I haven't been as active lately, but I'm not sure the issue was every 100% fixed for me.
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No notifications for me, either. I sent myself a test message and while it was duly sent and received, I got no e-mail notification of it. I also have one message in my outbox from Dec. 1st - don't know if the recipient got no notice or if he's moved on (in one way or another). Crazy

Yeah, I let Packey know, but I'm not pushing him since he's fresh out of 10 days in the hospital and needs some space to recoup. He'll be coming over later today and I'll mention it again, but yeah, the email notifications of PM's are not being sent out. All other notifications, such as thread subscriptions are though. You can still send PM's and of course, emails to members, just that they need to come here and have their popups enabled in order to have any notification.

And yeah Wayne, I did the same, sent myself a PM using my alter-ego, and got him to reply and in neither case was an email notification sent. It's a glitch that needs to be looked at and fixed if it doesn't require changes or upgrades.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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