Small Stamp Mill
Well I started my ground cover last night:
[Image: DSCF5673_zps1buflrob.jpg]
I sifted out the larger boulders from the earth that I picked up to make me basic 1st layer
[Image: DSCF5676_zpspagvkw39.jpg]
Then I spread it on the lower slope, using full strength white glue to hold it in place. Before I did this I ballasted the track, using woodland scenics dark brown ballast. I have to go back to cover some spots yet.
[Image: DSCF5677_zpsmyssicfn.jpg]
Getting to the chemically stained mill waste, I also sifted out some clay-type kitty litter. I think I'll stain it with the same yellow ochre that I used on the rocks and use it.
[Image: DSCF5678_zps9nzmufdx.jpg]
I completed most of the basic ground cover today
[Image: DSCF5683_zpsenwwzfzi.jpg]
[Image: DSCF5684_zpsjewzvk3q.jpg]
I ran the mine waste to the left edge of the stamp mill before I glued in my two retaining walls. I filled in the gaps beside and below the walls with the same sealant I used to glue the track down. Just waiting for it to dry be fore putting ground cover down in those places.
I added Woodland Scenics earth blend to the taller mountain and the areas above the track as they wouldn't have had the waste dumping that the others below the track had. I'll be adding move variety when the glue dries.
I finished off the first layer of ground cover this morning.
[Image: DSCF5688_zpseta0ayze.jpg]
I need to do a bit of clean up around the rails and where the mill will go before I soak everything in some scenic cement to set it all down. I'm planning to add some static grass on the greener side of the mountain before added trees and brush. I also noticed that the scenery going up the backdrop needs some other color as well. The white glue stained the ground foam a bit too much.
I also have to re-lay the track to replace the turnout I removed, then ballast.
[Image: DSCF5687_zpsdof1vscl.jpg]
I also filled in some bare spots and added some larger rocks to the mine waste areas. I'm thinking of adding a dead tree to the corner for some effect. This area needs a bit more variety as I see it. It looks a bit too moon-like.
I think I'm coming close to the end of this part of the project.
[Image: DSCF5758_zpsl83zj8kz.jpg]
I added some light green static grass to the mountain today. I'm waiting for the glue to dry before hitting it with some darker green via my airbrush. I also replaced the missing track and re-ballasted.
[Image: DSCF5759_zpsxxrxkvqe.jpg]
I added some more loose looking rock to the base of the hillside, by the track. It's all set in with Woodland scenics Scenic Cement but I'm not sure how strong the bond is, I might dribble some diluted white glue to be sure.
[Image: DSCF5760_zpsdguhavr6.jpg]
I placed my lone dead tree with some loose rock beside the upper track.
[Image: DSCF5761_zpshda1mxgr.jpg]
Now the next part is adding the mill waste.
[Image: DSCF5763_zpsasie3zdp.jpg]
On the left is the sifted cat litter and on the right is WS fine buff gravel road material. The WS material is quite a bit finer so I think I'll use that. I'm thinking of adding it to the left slope, just above the retaining wall. I just want to a add a bit, not enough to overwhelm the scene.
After that it off to added trees and bushes, then I can work on finishing up the mill itself.
"I might dribble some diluted white glue to be sure."
Add a couple of drops of liquid soap ( dish washing soap ), it helps the water/glue mix to flow quicker, and more evenly, between the "gravel/rock" and the scenery base, and makes a secure bond when dry.
I've used that on my modules, for ballast, and scenery, and they have survived many trips to and from shows, in a 4' X 8' covered trailer.
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Thanks I'll try that
. I added the fine buff ballast to represent the mill waste to the side:
[Image: DSCF5764_zpsu4ft9uiw.jpg]
I'm not really sold on it though. even though it's not prototypic I like the red/brown soil that was there before.
[Image: DSCF5765_zpsvq1grtwd.jpg]
It's not held down by anything yet. I just wanted to see what it was like before adding glue.
maybe it would be better to add a pile on the flat area just below the retaining wall instead?
Well I glued the waste material down.
[Image: DSCF5767_zpsmayfhk78.jpg]
I used a thinner layer to keep the terrain features, setting it with scenic cement. Then when the glue had set I airbrushed yellow ochre over it.
[Image: DSCF5769_zpsbuaob4ac.jpg]
I used the yellow sparingly so both the yellow and buff colors would come out, adding to the 3-d effect of newer and older dumps of waste.
[Image: DSCF5768_zpsvtfttfqq.jpg]
With this done I can now start to add brush and trees, as well as get the mill back to the workbench to add the loading dock and roofing material.
Sorry for not updating until now. I had a project of 4 boxcars dropped in my lap that I need to paint and letter for another modeller.
[Image: DSCF5770_zpsivlfl57r.jpg]
You'll notice that the bridge is back in and I added trees and bushes to the mountainside.
[Image: DSCF5771_zpsshkqo2jv.jpg]
I've gotten the scenery to the point where I'll be removing the mill to go back to the workbench to finish off it's detailing.
Back at the workbench to finish off the mill details
[Image: DSCF5816_zpsxmrdhu1c.jpg]
I built the loading dock out of scale lumber, 2X8 for the deck, 4X6 and 6X6 for the framing and legs. I stained all the wood gray before gluing.
[Image: DSCF5822_zpssjp6q7zl.jpg]
attached to the structure.
Then I started on the tall smoke stack for the boiler/steam engine. I used brass for it's strength.
[Image: DSCF5817_zpsi1rgaaer.jpg]
I soldered a 1" x1" square of brass to the stack, using a butane torch.
[Image: DSCF5819_zpsnijvwkzg.jpg]
Then I formed a small loop and soldered that onto the short length of slightly larger tubing to for the collar and guy-wire attachment.
[Image: DSCF5820_zps8xx1cart.jpg]
then that was slid down the stack and glued into place. I didn't want to solder the collar to the stack since the heat would probably melt the solder bonding the ring.
[Image: DSCF5823_zpsxz3xe4fd.jpg]
I glued the stack to the roof with medium thickness CA. Now it's time for the corrugated roofing.
Glen, that mill is getting better and better. I love the wooden platform. Small details like that make a big difference!

Proudly modelling Quebec Railway Light & Power Company since 1997.

Hedley-Junction Club Layout:

Erie 149th Street Harlem Station
nice Cheers Thumbsup Applause Cheers
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  
Thanks guys. Over the last couple days I was working on the roofing.
[Image: DSCF5894_zpsjgg5rldg.jpg]
I bought two packs, figuring that was enough.
[Image: DSCF5895_zpsndvumriu.jpg]
I cut them into 4' scale widths and sprayed them all with light gray primer.
[Image: DSCF5902_zpsfxbpd6ip.jpg]
I used Aileen's Tacky glue to set them onto the roof. Unfortunately, I only had enough to do the front roofs so I have another pack on order. It should be here in a week of so. I'll wait til everything has been glued down before I start weathering the roof up.
I got another pack of the corrugated roofing from DR. Ben and had enough to complete the back side roofs
[Image: DSCF5933_zpsvbuisvmz.jpg]
Then I got the airbrush out and started rusting.
[Image: DSCF5936_zpswmqlxzlr.jpg]
I first sprayed the roof with Model Master Red Earth, leaving a bit of the gray showing, then I switched to Model master rust and added some streaks running up and down, plus I re-painted a few random panels.
Wow! That's really cool. Looks like quite the reach to work on that location.
Thanks, it's not that bit of a reach to get the mill itself, probably only 3 feet but the scenery took a bit more. Not that big of a problem though, as I'm 6'9" tall.

I think I've pretty much finished off the mill now. This afternoon I added LED strip lighting:
[Image: DSCF5937_zpswxrpzeqk.jpg]
I have a roll of these lights I got out of China a few years back. They have a max of 12volts but I run them at 9 so they live longer and aren't as bright. I'll hook them up when I run my lighting feeder wires out to that end of the layout.
[Image: DSCF5939_zps5fgaig05.jpg]
and I added a pair of support wires for the smoke stack. Not I am wondering if I should add some black soot running down the roof from the stack?

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