Interaction Enterprises CPR #2 toolhouse
Working on a small toolhouse that I got from Interaction Enterprises about a year ago.
[Image: DSCF6928_zps9adtq9rv.jpg]
A few years ago I built their large CPR #3 toolhouse, added an interior and lit it.
[Image: DSCF6938_zps807wcow1.jpg]
[Image: DSCF6939_zpsyg7bpvgq.jpg]
This one has no windows and only the double doors. I should be able to knock it off in a couple evenings work.
[Image: DSCF6930_zpsehxqkud1.jpg]
Even though it is a small kit I'm pretty impressed with the detail that was added to the structure, individual rafters and interior framing.
[Image: DSCF6931_zpsmqvw3ius.jpg]
I started with staining all the walls in a pine stain from Testors model FX.
[Image: DSCF6936_zpsemaihksa.jpg]
then I painted the exterior walls and trim with Ceramcoat Barn Red. This is my standard railroad structure color.
The trim is made of a thin resin board (also laser cut)
[Image: DSCF6937_zpsfgv4uvo1.jpg]
and the interior framing. This too is a resin board. I didn't paint the interior framing so I can see the contrast.
I got the walls up
[Image: DSCF6942_zpshrfvaikr.jpg]
It's all tab and slot locating on the floor. I stained the floorboards with some of the pine stain I used on the walls.
[Image: DSCF6944_zpsckmkdsqw.jpg]
Then I added the rafters and ridge board.
[Image: DSCF6945_zpswytal1os.jpg]
the two roof pieces are attached, I'm just waiting for the glue to dry before I start shingling.
[Image: DSCF6941_zpsahx0kmyq.jpg]
I also constructed the two doors. They use these laser cut/engraved hinges and lock
[Image: DSCF6943_zpsy75nbvau.jpg]
The door hinges and latch look real nice. It seems to be a well detailed kit. Are there any of these buildings still standing?
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  
Thanks, I would assume that some of these structures are still standing. I figure that CP have literary hundreds build across Canada and certain parts of the US.

I finished the model this afternoon.
[Image: DSCF6955_zpsnn6c13l9.jpg]
I added the shingles, using scotch brand double sided tape for adhesive. The kit comes with a very nice set of laser cut shingles.
[Image: DSCF6956_zpsswboavvo.jpg]
The last two things to install were the smoke jack and the doors. I had to have the doors open of course since it would be a shame to cover all that detail.
[Image: DSCF6957_zpsa2ukr1kx.jpg]
The smokejack is a plastic piece with the exception of the flashing on the roof. it too is laser cut. I trimmed the shingles and glued it to the roof sheet.
[Image: DSCF6958_zpspxzxr823.jpg]
Finally here it is on the layout beside the larger tool house. I just set it here for now. I have another area that I'd like to place it but it isn't sceniced yet.
Does Interaction sell through hobby shops or is it internet/mail order?

I went looking on Google for the section house where I grew up (Perth) and found almost nothing left -- a couple of aluminum sheds but only a single track and no yard anymore.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Sorry for the late reply. For some reason I wasn't getting notifications for a bit.
Interaction only does mail order through their web site. I've bought most of the kits that I have by meeting the owner at a few local shows but I do know that his shipping is quite reasonable.

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