Anyone for a Nov/Dec chat??
If I don't have to install anything and don't need passwords I'll give it a shot.

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
(12-14-2020, 08:09 AM)Tyson Rayles Wrote: If I don't have to install anything and don't need passwords I'll give it a shot.

I've been trying to get my laptop to work with Skype without loading the app with little luck. My SIL wants to Skype, but doesn't want to load it either, so I'm trying to give her instructions on what to do. Then I found a bit of info that set me straight, "Skype does not support the Firefox browser". Yes, that's what I normally use, so I tried both Chrome and Edge and was able to use the link without running Skype or using a password. It did ask me for a name to use during the session, and it did ask for permission to use my microphone and camera, which is not unreasonable seeing as how they are both required. I could even start a new meeting that way, so all is well as long as you use the right browser.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
I also use Firefox. I have Edge and Chrome but haven't activated them and not sure I care to.

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
I used to use Firefox but there were just too many problems with too many sites. I am using Chrome for the most part because there are some extension apps I frequently use but I think Edge is the best browser as far as security and speed. When some of the apps I use move to Edge I will use it for a default.  It's always good to have a back up browser. 
(12-20-2020, 07:36 AM)Tyson Rayles Wrote: I also use Firefox. I have Edge and Chrome but haven't activated them and not sure I care to.

Yeah, that word, "activate", hit the nail on the head. It seems like every app (used to be programs), decides how you'd like to set things up and you have to jump through hoops to find out how to set it up the way you really want. Every time they update, these setting all change, different names, different locations, giant PITA....

So, you're left with three options, install Skype, activate Edge or Chrome, or not be able to participate. I had to go to a doctor's office because I was using Firefox and it wasn't supported by the app they use for video visits. I could see and hear them, they couldn't hear me. I wonder what's going to not work after next month when Adobe Flash Player goes away.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
I'm not a fan of Chrome, mainly because Google has got a finger in every pie, and have really screwed-up photobucket.
I prefer to use Firefox on my Mac, but it's good to know that it's not suitable for Skype, which explains why I've experienced difficulties trying to use it.

(12-20-2020, 01:17 PM)doctorwayne Wrote: I'm not a fan of Chrome, mainly because Google has got a finger in every pie, and have really screwed-up photobucket.
I prefer to use Firefox on my Mac, but it's good to know that it's not suitable for Skype, which explains why I've experienced difficulties trying to use it.


It took my quite a while and three different computers to find this out. It's rare that I use anything other than Firefox for the same reason, we have Google and MS having way too much control over our daily lives. I have to add Apple to that list and Amazon as well, so I take whatever alternate choices I have when I can. It doesn't always work out, like now.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Well I guess I won't be able to join in. I love Firefox and won't give it up or activate the other choices and create a whole new set of problems. Back in the olden days when I worked for a living I worked for a regional print media company and ALL publishing companies ( back then) used Mac so that was what I learned on. However living in a small town the closest Mac dealer was a 4 hours round trip making servicing a real PITA. So when I had to get a home computer I decided to give a PC with Windows a try as there was three people here that could build and service PC's. That was 1997 and I spent one weekend with the new puter and Windows 95 and never went back to a Mac again. I now have three puters. That old desktop which now has Windows 2000 and no longer hooks to the net but I keep it as it has a lot of old school games on it that won't play on the newer systems. A older laptop with Windows 7 that stays hooked to the TV as I get all my TV for free thru the internet. And My newer laptop which has Windows 10 and that is the one I use for everything else.

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
I do have Chrome and Edge installed, but Firefox is my default, so when I click on a link, that's the one that opens, and that's the way I want it to be. I guess I could change defaults temporarily, but it's probably easier to just instill the Skype app and be done with it. There are advantages to that especially if you use Skype to talk to different people or groups. It does keep track for you so you can return with just one click.

Like I said, one has to weight all the options against what works best for them. Zoom would be good if it wasn't for their 40 minute time limit. But, they have nothing against starting a new meeting right after that, we did that the last time we used Zoom. We've not explored other venues for video chats, and that's another option we can look at.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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