CNR5103 2021 do something challenge
At the beginning of 2003, Model Railroader magazine published a series of articles on how to build the Turtle Creek Central, a small 4x8 layout. On one of the last publications, they inserted a decals sheet so one can letter a boxcar for the TCC Railroad.  At that time, I had only one locomotive and maybe ten to twelve cars, mostly Athearn BB kits and was just beginning building my layout.  I was definitely not ready for such a project but as my modeling skills developed over the years, I have never forgotten those articles and the decals sheet.

Two weeks ago, someone posted a photo of a boxcar he had lettered for the TCC on Facebook.  The photo and this forum gave me the motivation to start the project and finish it.  I searched through old piles of MR and found that decals sheet in the March 2003 issue.  I also have an old Athearn BB boxcar on which I had practiced weathering and that I don’t use on the layout.

So here is my challenge.  To improve an old Athearn BB kit and letter it for the TCC Railroad.


I know I now have the skills to do that.  The challenge is to finish it in time.  The summer is almost here, the backyard needs care and the girlfriend will be on vacation for the next weeks.  I just hope for a few rainy days.  If I don’t succeed, I will at least have some motivation to setup the "paint room" and paint those six cars that are waiting for too long now.

I am not yet decided for the paint scheme.  I am thinking about Boxcar Red sides and Black roof and ends but I can change my mind.  At this time, any suggestions will be welcome and examined.
Guy from Southern Quebec.
Hello Guy---I'm looking forward to your challenge results---I'm sure they will look as good as the ones Doctor Wayne completed for me some time ago.

Hello Ed,

I like those cars. I have been thinking about doing a Reefer too. Maybe for a next challenge.

I sure hate competing with Doctorwayne but I will do my best.
Guy from Southern Quebec.
Love this challenge, really looking forward to seeing it done Applause  . Fun fact, Deano, here in Wisconsin, lives 3 blocks FROM TURTLE CREEK Eek Icon_e_biggrin
[Image: sig2.jpg]-Deano
[Image: up_turb10k_r.gif]
I couldn’t expect more.  We had some rain this afternoon.  Good timing for a 99% isopropyl alcohol bath.


It’s a beginning.
Guy from Southern Quebec.
Glad you're joining us in this challenge. I moved your thread up with the others in this challenge in case you were wondering where it went.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Welcome to the challenge. Looking forward to seeing how this comes out.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
The paint has been removed leaving a bare shell to work with.


Grab irons have been carved off and stirrups have been cut off.  I also removed the much too big door railings. New railings and doors have been installed.


Unfortunately, the previous owner has glued the floor, under frame and weight to the body.  I would have like to simulate a planked floor but I have not been able to separate the parts. I will have to continue with what I have.


So far so good.
Guy from Southern Quebec.
Another rainy day.  So I had some time left to work on the project.

I repositioned the braking system components at the right place and I added some rods and pipes.


Guy from Southern Quebec.
That's a nice improvement, Guy.   Applause Applause Applause

Very nice!
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... tail-parts</a><!-- m -->

Thank you guys for the comments.  This modification won’t be visible but I’ll know it is there.
Guy from Southern Quebec.
Nice work!

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
During the weekend, I was able to complete some simple work on the boxcar.

Grab irons, corner grab irons and stirrups were added.  I also put placards on the doors.



The car is now ready for the paint shop.
Guy from Southern Quebec.

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