The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Morning. 78 and cloudy. Rain today. ??? I'm on the long hose and at PC.

Not much happening. Wifey gone to shop to work until 2. Then get ready to go get zapped again.

Tomato sandwich for lunch.

Have a good day.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good afternoon folks

It is 66 and raining. It has been raining on and off since last evening. High today is supposed to be 76 with more rain.

Not much got done yesterday. Wife and drove down to Delaware to get gas for her gas. Delaware price $2.95, Pennsylvania $3.11. We got her car washed hence why it is now raining. On the way home we stopped for an early dinner.

Once we were home the real fun began. The medicine cabinet in the hall bathroom fell off the wall. Luckily one screw held and it did not come crashing down. Nothing was broken. Emptied the cabinet and then removed the last screw. Apparently when it was rehung the last time plastic anchors were used instead of mollies and they came out. From what we can tell there only three total screws holding it up. The one that did not come out was in a stud. So now we have a new project. Wife already ordered a new cabinet and light fixture. I am waiting to hear back from our painter.

The cabinet kind of killed any modeling for the night.

The wife and I went to the grocery store. She actually went inside for the first time in over a year. No panic attack although she did get winded and had to rest. Overall she did good.

I have to run her over to the podiatrist in about an hour.

I hope to do something model related today.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Greetings, gang.

It's a sunny 63 outside my window this morning. The high for today is supposed to be close to 90. Had a couple of brief thunderstorms come through and left about a 1/2 inch of rain behind. Moree rain starts overnight tonight and I could get 1-2 inches by the time it's over on Saturday.

Had a pretty decent day yesterday. Got the oil changed on my car. While I was doing that my daughter stopped by for a visit before she went to work. After lunch I got in a nice bike ride. Got my new checks in the mail so I can spend money again! ? Had to order a new cable for the Xbox. Walmart didn't have what I needed. Ordered some new gym shorts while I was at it. The old ones are close to 10 years old and losing the elastic in the waist. Still serviceable so I'll donate them to the men's shelter.

Not much on my agenda for today. Gym this morning and mow the lawn this afternoon. Gas prices goofy again. It was $2.78 on Monday then jumped to $2.89 yesterday. It will probably keep going up for the holiday.

Frank - jealous of the sandwich. I'll need to go to the farmers market this weekend to get a tomato and some corn.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone. Going to be kind of a somber, but happy day for us. My wife and I loved the Sedona area,  just as beautiful and peaceful as man and nature can make. Well, we have a niche up in a cemetery in Cottonwood, a small town that borders Sedona, and today is the day we bring her ashes up there. It is good that she will be close to the red rocks that we both love, and it's a double niche so she won't have to spend eternity alone up there. Both my sons and their wives will be there for the ceremony conducted by a local priest. I brought her to Arizona in 1960 shortly after we were married, and would go up to that area two or three times a year, so in that respect, it's a happy day.

I hope everyone has a great day, stay safe and stay cool. Here, we should be around 100, the Sedona area, in the low 70's. Now you can see another reason for loving Sedona.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Morning. 76 and sunny. LOW humidity. Was dragging this AM. Feeling really bad. Dogs begging to go out. Drag my hose to the door and let them out.

Sat in the chair on the porch [hose just made it]. Wow, battery recharged. Use to see photos of the TB hospitals in NC. Patients outside in the sun. Sure someone here can tell more about the sun's healing.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning friends
         Another cool day but it works for me. I finally got the underground wire ran to my pole building lean-to that I store all the yard tools and tractors in. I will finish the wiring tomorrow. 

         I worked on the brass K4 a friend gave me. I got myself in trouble trying to resolder the headlight back on, I got it too hot and several other details came off so it took me over an hour to straighten that up, but I did learn to avoid using a pencil torch. With patience I was able to use my soldering iron. At this point I am not going to buy a resistance soldering tool because I doubt I will be buying many more brass locomotives. They are a lot of work to convert to DCC and add lights. 

         Frank, suck up that sunshine and make sure you get a load of vitamin D. It takes a lot to overdose on that.  You might read about turkey tail supplements too. It seems to have helped me a lot. Another thing that helps believe it or not is to laugh a lot. I spent a lot of time watching Tim Conway, my favorite go to for a laugh.  I am keeping you in my prayers.

         Remember we are all here and if you want to talk we can do a zoom meeting. W had several and they were very enjoyable. Maybe Don will set another one up. 

Good day to all
Good afternoon folks

It is a very pleasant 72 heading up to 73.

With the wife home, no school until late August, we don’t have to get up at the crack of dawn and can sleep for a couple of extra hours. Can’t go too long as the dog’s bladder and the cats’ patience for food do have limits.

I did most of my daily household chores by now. We are getting ready for the wife to go see the cardiologist. This is the first in person visit with him since the pandemic began. I have to call his office to find out where his office is in the hospital complex since we have never been to this office and also the campus is under major construction.

I did change out couplers on three Walthers Heavyweights, a PRR Pullman, a New Haven Pullman, and a PRR lounge/observation. I also removed a portion of the center sill to improve the cars on the 24-inch curves. Doing so was a noticeable difference especially the lounge car. Before the improvement it would stop at the beginning of the curve if you pushed. Now it travels a good distance with no problems. I hope to do more cars tonight.

Don, the place you are taking your wife to rest sounds beautiful. We traveled through Sedona back in 1993 and it is one of the places we would like to see again.

I am up for another zoom/skype meeting. Maybe this time I will actually get there in time.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning all, yesterday went off without a hitch. We had some rain start just before we were ready to leave and it rained most of the way up there but none by the time we reached the cemetery. Had a nice ceremony, two men from the diocese set up chairs and a canopy, they were there, plus of course, the priest as well as my two sons, their wives and one granddaughter. It was a happy time, we all shed our tears months ago, we were all just pleased that my wife is now in a beautiful setting. We stopped off at a local hamburger/BBQ place, I could not believe the size of those burgers, piled high with "everything". Nobody finished their meal, lots of take-home boxes. Just a nice day, even the freeway was going along at a decent pace. Usually I-17 has two speeds, either you're going 90 or 20, but not yesterday.

There are 23 fires burning in Arizona right now. We went through some smoke from the one near Camp Verde, and could see the fire north of Sedona. That one is causing evacuations and is zero contained. The one up in Strawberry/Pine is also causing evacuations, these were all started from lightning strikes. Too many fires, too little resources.

Not much more to say, today starts a new chapter in my life, and I'm OK with that.

Thanks for listening, I would only share this with friends....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Don - welcome to the club no one wants to be a member of. I fully understand your comment about a new chapter. You will have ups and downs as you learn to live your new life. If you ever want to talk I'll be here for you.

Greetings, gang.

Gloomy and the street is damp after a light sprinkle. That's about all the rain I'll be getting for today. The weather service is promising an inch or so by Sunday. 68 now going to 87 later.

Had a pretty good day yesterday. Gym and then a short(ish) bike ride. Also got the yard mowed. After that I went to the grocery store and stocked up on Powerade and dinners. I'm all set now through the middle of July. Gas price goofy again. Dropped 2 cents when I went to the gym. Later on when I went to the grocery store it dropped another 2 cent. I did finally break down and turn on the a/c. Temperature was only 87 but the humidity has gone way up, making it pretty uncomfortable. Should be able to shut it off again by Friday. Much prefer to have the windows open. Looks to be a pretty quiet day today. Bike ride after the streets dry.

All stay safe.


Edit: just walked around the yard and discovered there was a half inch of rain in the rain gauge. It must have rained quite a bit at sometime overnight.
Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
73 and sunny. Breezy. Just came in from sitting on the porch. Got a little sun time. Not do as good as earlier yesterday. Didn't sleep last night. Sweating and yet chilling.

Up the street to a Duke facility for blood draw. Haircut near there. Month past due.

Radiation before the Pres arrives in town.

Been lying down for first time. Seems OK.

Enjoy your day.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning all, Friday again, and in a few days we'll be halfway through this year. It's just so hard to keep up,kind of like we're all living with a fast clock.

Thanks Tom, I know you've been there and I know others that say it takes some time. As I said, the other day was a happy one, I'm not sure why it went that way, but I'm glad it did. There was closure and to be sure, just being up in that area has a calming affect in itself.

No more rain, temps around normal, (106), humidity high, (12%), so we are looking at a sticky kind of day.

We still have more fires than we can handle, some human caused, others by dry lightning. They can keep track of these things and sometimes there are hundreds of lightning strikes over a very short period. I wonder how things went a few hundred years ago when there were not fire crews, no tankers or copters to fight them. Then, on the other hand, there were no careless humans leaving campfires burning or blowing up stuff in gender reveal parties either. BTW, just about all the National Parks in Arizona are closed, all campers and visitors had to be out by today.

Take care, have a great and safe weekend. Prayers for those folks in that building that collapsed in Florida.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 71 headed for cloudy and 84.  70% chance of rain overnight tonight.

Rode 17 miles for the first time yesterday.  I'll be dialing it back just a touch for a few days.  Don't want to get blisters where people shouldn't have blisters.  Otherwise not much done yesterday.  New cable for the Xbox should be here today.  Hope it works.  Gas price jumped 14 cents yesterday to $2.99.  I should have filled the tank the day before.
The other day when I changed to oil the oil drain pan cracked, leaving somewhat of a mess on the driveway.  Threw some oil dry on it but I was disappointed in the drain pan.  It was only about 20 years old.  Should have lasted longer than that. Nope 

Watched an old John Wayne movie yesterday in which the bad guys tried to escape using a rail speeder.  It did not end well for the bad guys.  (Does it ever in a John Wayne movie?)

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
Rain and 80 today, looks like a week of rainy days.
I got some 3 rail train sets from a friend and have given them to my grandsons. No they are not young, 4 have reached adult age and 2 are late teens but they walked out of here looking like it was Christmas morning.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning everybody, Saturday morning, slept late, got a huge cup of coffee that's still too hot to drink. Got a totally free day today, time to work on my latest layout project. A bit warmer through Monday, then they're saying a good chance of rain all next week. Each weather forecaster has a different idea on what, "good chance" means though. But it's our typical summer, it will rain when Mother Nature deems it, so, we just go with the flow. They are blaming the mild winter weather for all these wildfires. They say that there's been over 1,000 so far in the state, right now they're down to fighting 15, the biggest, human caused, is around 200,000 acres. Almost all national parks and all state lands are closed to recreation. This is big when they get to doing that.

So, everyone, have a pleasant weekend, have some fun and stay cool, dry and safe. It is not only fire season, but tornado and hurricane season as well.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

RAIN!!!! So far over 2.5 inches since yesterday afternoon. 70 now headed for 78. Rain should let up this afternoon.

Yesterday was fairly routine. Got the new cable for the Xbox and it did not solve the problem. I've been scouring the internet looking for another solution. Just got back from a 3 mile walk in the rain.. Actually saw 3 other people out walking. Only item on the agenda so far is laundry. Maybe a bike ride this afternoon if it dries out.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

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