Action at the roundhouse
Recently Charlie and I had a chance to do some railfanning on the Elora Gorge & Eastern rails.At the EG&E Lowbanks Terminal we were lucky to catch Canadian National Consolidation #2747 on the turntable being prepared for it's return trip to the Leetown Division---unfortunately we couldn't get a clear shot as there was an unknown foamer obstructing our view---I'll bet he got a great shot of the action at the roundhouse that day.

[Image: 51770910393_6666bcc8b9_k.jpg]ed steam onv2[2589] (2) by Ed Creechan, on Flickr
That unknown foamer turned out to be a pretty good guy after all---when he realized he was blocking our view he came over to apologize and promised he would send some of his pictures from that day to Charlie and me---true to his promise this shot arrived in the mail.Along with the picture was an invitation to join him the next time we head to the EG&E and he will provide a personal tour---looking forward to that day.

[Image: 51770705456_2a9e0d4902_k.jpg]ed steam under coal loader 1[2601] by Ed Creechan, on Flickr
I dunno, Ed ...them there whippersnippers hangin' around the tracks gimme the heeby-jeebys.  They think everythings great fun until they git run over by a train a few times.  That'll take the starch outa 'em pretty darn quick, but the next thing ya know, they're lookin' t' givya a lawsuit.

I'll tell ya one thing fer'll not see me wearin' no suit around all them smokin' trains.

Leon Hoffentoth
No disrespect intended for those working in different scales, but I thought it appropriate to share this Christmas message created by my brother, who is also the creator of GERN and all its advertisements...


Time to greet the train nuts!


Elfis Pretzelly Hoffentoth
CNR S1D Mikado #3377

[Image: 51779933096_586cf54bf3_k.jpg]P1450582 (2) by Ed Creechan, on Flickr
James St.,Leetown

Leetown's "other railway" takes a spin on the James St. turntable

[Image: 51791662892_c3bc932e76_k.jpg]P1450640 (2) by Ed Creechan, on Flickr
CNR S3A #3736

[img]     g]P1450649 (2) by Ed Creechan, on Flickr
CNR K3B #5588    
CNR O18A switcher #7456

[Image: 51814785219_6c728ea33b_k.jpg]P1450720 by Ed Creechan, on Flickr
<p>Well me 'n' my bruther bin hearin' that that there docterwayne is have yer difficulties postin' re-plies.&nbsp; We're both gittin' the compression thet he might not be no dokter...mebbe more like wunna yer ducks, jest a-qwackin' around.</p><p>We also seen 'im skulkin' 'round the tracks, wear he ought-notta bin hang out (not that he wuz ax-u-ly hangin' out, if ya git my drift <img src="" data-sceditor-emoticon="Icon_e_surprised" alt="Icon_e_surprised" title="Icon_e_surprised"> )...(luv them little e-munchie-thingy fellers).</p><p><br></p><p>Anyways, we're a-gonna post a cupola pitchers, jest ta see iffin' evry things aworkin' proper-like.</p><p><br></p><p>Well, wouldja lookit thet...still a hole buncha crap tossed inta our careful-like constructed post.&nbsp; I dunno why they call it a "post"'s not like ya could lean on it or anything.<br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>Well, mebbe later...we got sum kinda warnin' about big stuff...don't know if it's big pitchers&nbsp; or sumpin' else.</p><p><br></p><p>Desmond &amp; Leon(I'm the good lookin' one)<br></p>
Desmond and Leon's cousin Igor wanted to add his two cents worth

Mary St. terminal

[Image: 51817089551_04bb6c1f7d_k.jpg]P1450704 by Ed Creechan, on Flickr

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