The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Jeopardy! tonight was interrupted by a weather statement. There is a tornado warning for a couple of counties that are a couple of counties southwest of us.
Intense rain has started here and there was one loud thunderclap.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good morning folks, the weather here is wishy-washy, we're still in the 90's and no forecasts show that changing much. I'm not complaining, just that usually when we have a mild spring, our summers are brutal... No rain, going on two months now. The only thunderclap we here are the when an F-16 or F-35 is taking off from Luke AFB. I never mind the sound, some think it's noise, many agree that it's the sounds of freedom.

Speaking of freedom, today is Flag Day here in the US. On this day in 1777, congress adapted the Stars and Stripes as our national flag. Be proud, be very proud. Worship 

Got a new video doorbell I need to install today. The one I picked has a good rating, is easy to install, I already have the app on my phone and best of all, at a very good price. That, and Home Depot gave me my military discount. At first, you needed to register, then show them a q-code on your app, then then went to having you show an ID like your DD214....stupid, so now they're doing like Loews has done all along,  just give them your phone number if you're registered....

Not much else going on here, so off I go to breakfast. Have a great day and by all means, have a safe one.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning

      I didn't mow yesterday because it rained off and on all day. I picked up Momma Stray from the vet clinic. They think she is 2 years old. Two years and has had 3 litters.  I am glad she is now not going to be a mother to more.  If the 5 that she has now survive I will have them fixed as soon as they are 2 months old. They are too wild to be house cats. It is not a good thing to let them run free but I could not hurt them. I do not like cats as a rule but the resident Tom is such a character I tolerate him. 

       I worked on the layout for about an hour last night doing little tidbits of things. The suoer glue for the one headlight in the F40 didn;t hold so iA used weldbond to hold it in place. That should do the trick. I will know in a little while

        I may be able to mow this afternoon if the grass drys out. The lawn has recovered very quickly and we have more rain coming.  

        My wife planted 2 pepper plants and 2 tomato plants so the gardening is done. All I planted was red potatoes but I had some from last year that had sprouted so they were this years seed potatoes.  They are red potatoes and they make the best potato salad and I like them boiled and buttered. 

        Stay safe and well
Hello Blue
We have sun and clouds. It was really nice out early morning but now the clouds are butting in. Hi today of 75. 
Yesterday was eye doc for both of us. We left there and stopped at a nearby restaurant, that gave me a little time for my eyes to adjust although I could have driven safely home. That just gives us an excuse to eat out. Gas was $3.59 every station we passed. A quick thundershower in the afternoon, gave us a little more needed rain.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
The tornado didn't happen, but there was a funnel cloud and some damage is being investigated -- nowhere near us.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Greetings, gang.

More haziness in the air this morning. 56 now and maybe 90 by late afternoon. Rain chances Saturday.

Grandson is married and I had a really fun trip, helping with preparations, teasing grandson, and in general making a nuisance of myself. Today is restock the cupboards day followed by a bike ride.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, no big changes here, temps still around 100, gas dropping like the feather theory, (up like a rocket, down like a feather), a few stations down below $4.50 and that's the way it'll be until they find another excuse to jump in leaps and bounds...

Got my doorbell camera installed yesterday. I have a massage/adjustment scheduled this morning, good thing 'cause I did more that a person my age should. Icon_cry Had one hitch, spent a full hour on "chat" with the manufacturer before we got it resolved. The solution was simple, just why it took her so long to finally get to it is beyond me. I guess they're reading off of a plan, step-by-step, pushing away the tough ones first, (reboot, update firmware, and finally, reinstall the one piece of hardware that wasn't working). Like most hardware now days, you are left on your own to figure out how to actually set it up they way you need to. Getting it to work is just the first step, going through all the sub-menus to set it up is left to your ability and patience. I used to write manuals for the systems that I designed and never left anything to chance, not to guessing.

Rant of the day, but all is well, or will be once I see the chiropractor. Ya all have a great day and stay out of those storms. Right now, that's not a issue here, although there was some rain yesterday up in the high country.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning. 
     Tom fan of the fiat, I am so glad you had such a great time.  I am a recluse and try to avoid weddings but with my family I am more afraid of brawls than I am of the weddings.  Icon_e_biggrin

      Days, I know exactly what you mean by instructions. About 3 months ago I bought a cheap miniature wifi camera that I was going to try to mae work on a locomotive. It came and is the right size and everything but the instructions were so poor I couldn't begin to figure how to use it and there must be some hidden tricks. I contacted the seller and got more of the same so I just asked to send it back for a refund. They gave me a full refund and told me to keep the camera so it must cost more for them to pay return postage than the camera costs. I tried the internet but no how to videos popped up. 

      My grandson came over last night and we found the lid to the second septic tank. I will install the risers today and be in compliance with the new law requiring them. (More BS from government that hasn't a clue). The riser kits (20x24) are 285.00 each and that is the price of two, that is 2, good sound equipped DCC locomotives so cheap Charlie started searching for alternatives and I discovered the 55 gallon PVC Barrells have a taper at the top that allow the section that is cut off the bottom to slide over as a lid. I got 2 barrels for 10 bucks and a little cutting with a hand held jig saw should do the trick I will post some pictures if anyone wants to see how it works. 

      I finished the decoder install in the F40 last night and will atach the shell and couplers today. I need to make the real hand rails that were missing but I bought the unit cheap because of that. 

      Wishing everyone a very pleasant day.

Good morning folks

It is a bright and sunny 67 heading up to 79.

The wife’s surgery went well with no issues as of yet. She is on light duty for a few days but no real restrictions. She had to be at the hospital at 5:45 AM which meant we had an easy drive to Paoli. She went into surgery around 7:30 and was done by 8:45. She spent a short time in recovery and we were home by 11 AM.

I installed a couple of plant hangers on the pergola on the front patio. While doing so I discovered a wasp nest in one of the crevices of the pergola. I will need to take care that before it becomes a problem. Just as I was finishing the second hanger, I heard a loud rumble. Turned around and saw a black sky approaching. We had a short thunderstorm with heavy rain and two bouts of hail.

I replaced the couplers and added screws to the coupler pockets on 5 more Athearn tank cars. Next, I am looking at changing the couplers on some Athearn reefers.

I need to make a pharmacy run on the way home this afternoon. Other than that nothing really planned for the evening.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
I used to write internal computer instructions at work. I had passed out one set for backing up the disk and got a complaint that it didn't work -- it just sat there. After a brief check with the user, I added the lines at the top:
Exit WordPerfect or any program you're in. Get to the C\> prompt.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Greetings, gang.

Another hazy day underway in the remote reaches of northern Iowa.  58 now going to maybe the low 80s.

Quiet day yesterday.  Some guy showed up at my door wanting to talk about the educational system.  Told him even my grandkids are out of school and I wasn't interested.  A bike ride, a shelf and fridge restocking run, and a bike ride completed my activities for yesterday.  Today will be laundry, house cleaning, and mowing along with a trip to the gym for swimming.

But Charlie the brawls are the most entertaining part of family get-togethers! 357

Gas was $3.27 when I was out yesterday.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning, here we are, another Friday is upon us, and we're also into the second half of June already. Geeze, almost time for another mortgage payment.

David, I know what you're talking about, cover everything and someone still can't get it. I always like the story of telling someone to, "hit any key on your keyboard", and the response is, "but sir, I cannot find the 'any' key"..... Waiting

Tom, glad the wife is doing so well, good to hear....

Still no change here, temps still around 100, two years ago it was 115 (also in 1896), so no complaints here. TV news is full of videos showing flooding and cars being  washed away, air-to-water rescues and you wonder why. Well, June 15 is now the official start of our monsoon season, goes to Sept 15. Tomorrow, one station will be dedicated to their annual "Monsoon Special", whoopee.... Nope Why define it in the first place, we get heavy storms in the summer, so be it, I remember before the NWS got into names, we'd have an occasional "dust storm", lots and lots of wind, some heavy rain and some pretty severe damage. Now we have "haboobs" and "monsoons", just like they do in Asia.

OK, just another rant, but us old folks earned that right.

Time to get ready for breakfast, we have the usual group meeting at a restaurant a bit south of what was Brenda's Kitchen. We use to meet at Brenda's until that incident with the cook. I go back there occasionally, the food is good and the new owner knows what he's doing, just that the old cook is still there and some refuse to go back until she's gone.

Have a great day and get ready for a fantastic weekend doing something you like to do... just stay safe doing it.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is 72 heading up to 73 with a threat of storms. As I am writing this and look out the trailer window I sse dark clouds rolling in from the west.

Did not do much last night. After dinner I had to run to the pharmacy and PetSmart. Originally I was going to do it after work but I decided I did not want to deal with the school traffic and the beginning of rush hour traffic.

Wife is doing well. She spent most of the afternoon outside on the front patio relaxing and harvesting her spices.

I did not get any modeling done even though I tried.

This weekend we have a little bit of grocery shopping. I need think about what other plants I want for the front garden and then get them and finally plant them. We have some general cleaning to do around the house since the pride events are over and the house is no longer a staging area. Of course there is the never ending laundry to keep one busy.

I have a bunch of Athearn rolling stock that needs to have the plastic couplers removed and replaced with Kadee couplers. These cars also need to checked and tuned up if necessary along with some more from other manufacturers. I would like to run some trains and maybe had DCC to a loco or two.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Hello Blue
Only news I have is weather. Hi in the 70s. Smoky sky again today, looks like the entire summer could be this way unless some hard rains put the Canadian fires out. Locally some nasty storms yesterday afternoon, lots of wind damage between Detroit & Toledo. One place reported 2 inches of hail on the ground. Possible tornado has not been confirmed.
Told you I had nothing but weather. Sorry. Although our club house is open on Friday nights, not sure If I'll go. 
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
What happened today?
Went out to a different branch of a department store to look for more shirts like the ones I just got.  They don't stock that line. (The department store that founded Canada.)
Afternoon was house cleaning, then a sit out front.
Tomorrow we plan to go to the RCAF museum to see if they're interested in a few artefacts from dad's estate. One is a set of slides:
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.

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