A few pictures....
Thanks for sharing those photos!! I was wondering what had happened to you in that "other" place. How much does Barney charge for those arial photos??
I only know what I know, and I don't understand very much of it, either.
Member: AEA, American Legion, Lions Club International
Motto: "Essayons"
Thanks for the detail on the TT operation.

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Great White North
Great photos Wayne. I always enjoy looking at your work. Thumbsup
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Glad to be here! Got laid off today so may be posting more than I have in a long time. I've been working on an engine servicing facility, might post some in progress photos, I usually avoid these because the way I get to a finished product usually ain't to pretty!
I usually avoid posting "in progress" shots while they're still actually "in progress", as I never know when the project will actually be finished. Icon_lol Once it is done, though, I'm not too shy to show (and tell) how I screwed-up along the way to the finished results. I figure that it may save others from making some of the same errors. Besides, everybody should get to make their own mistakes. Wink

Lol, he is pushing the envelope in that plane, but i don't think he has much to worry about.

Those Stearmans were sturdy planes, i've heard more than one account of people crashing these things, then having the plan fixed up and flying a day later from what looked like a total loss.
Modeling New Jersey Under the Wire 1978-1979.  
[Image: logosmall.png]

Your layout is amazing. How long have you been working on it?
Do you find yourself working on one project, then wandering off to another mid-stream?
I don't know why, but I do that with mine alot. Especially if something troublesome has come up wiht one of the projects. It is nice to walk away and come back with fresh perspective.
Enough of that tangent. You work is incredible, and it is a source of inspiration for me.

Don't follow me, I'm lost too.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention... Barney has quite the set of stones on him...

I didn't see an ashpit in your engine servicing area. How do you incorporate that into operations?

Don't follow me, I'm lost too.
iis612 Wrote:Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention... Barney has quite the set of stones on him...

I didn't see an ashpit in your engine servicing area. How do you incorporate that into operations?


Dutch courage, Matt. Cheers

Unfortunately, there was no room for an ashpit, at least none where it would look even half-plausible. While the entire service area is about 10' long, it's quite narrow (15" at the turntable). The railroad owns only five locomotives of its own, but there's not even a roundhouse for them - the two major buildings in the scene are shop buildings, meant for repairs to cars and locos. Even fitting a loco into the shop is a tight squeeze, and the one track isn't really practical for use at all. In the very first photo in this thread, all the locos to the left of the picture shouldn't even be there: the one at the extreme left is on the track meant for snowplows and the wreck crane, and the line of locos on the adjacent track is blocking access to the Shop Stores Department. In the fifth picture, the loco at the centre of the frame is sitting on the only really useable table track, and it's normally used by the Bee, the Northshore's gas-electric car. While the area is great for staging pictures, it's not really a useable terminal area. As the sole operator, though, I generally park the locos, with their trains, wherever they happen to be when I'm finished operating for the day. Even when the second level is built, the roundhouse will have a lot of stalls that will be too short (it'll be placed in a corner, with most of the back of it lopped off) to hold a loco. Even though almost all of my diesels are gone, I'll still probably have more locos than I need to sustain operations, and some may have to go.

When I build the engine terminal on the second level, there'll be an ashpit incorporated into the coaling tower area and it will include a track for cinder cars, too. Perhaps I should convert to oil burners on the Erie Northshore? Nah!

Very very nice pics you got there Doc the thing is that i want to know is when Gern is going to resurface???
Harry Check out my blog at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://newyorkontariowestern.blogspot.com/">http://newyorkontariowestern.blogspot.com/</a><!-- m -->
:hey: It's great to see you are nearly finished with the bench work Doc, I can't wait to see what your layout will look like. Shoot The back ground work is my favoritre, :mrgreen: Seriously I have put all your fine pictures Opps, I meant "Foe-Toes" on my hard drive to use for idea's on my layout, that I keep tearing down and changing Nope I'm glad you are on the Gauge Doc, and looking forward to seeing much more of your fine work.

Santa Fe Du, Duane Hampton Popcornbeer
Yessssss Wayne ... an absolutely beautiful layout. I drooled over your first set of pics. Such crisp clean photography too Thumbsup

Someday you're going to teach me how to ballast track, I haven't yet been able to do a presentable job of ballasting any of my HO and N trackage. Ballasting around the turnout blades and tie-bar scares the heck out of me Sad

My latest project is a dual gauge HO/HOn3 diorama and I dare not even think about ballasting it.

Wow! Terrific layout! Thumbsup

Next time, could you include a phtot of the gorilla who put the plow on the blocks? I didn't see any lifting equipment anywhere... Big Grin
Once again, thanks to all for the kind words.

Harry (railroader9731), I may be a while getting much of anything in the way of pictures here. While I have over 2600 pictures over in Zealot's Gallery, any that I bring here will first need to be re-sized. Even the ones in this thread, which are actually in photobucket, are too big - the right-hand 1/3 of all these pictures has been automatically lopped-off by something in the software of this Forum, so what you're seeing is only 2/3 of the original photo. GERN photos, I think, should be big.

Duane, all of the benchwork for the second level has yet to be built. I have some of the lumber on hand, and some of my photos show where the backdrop is open to allow its installation. I also have all of the fluorescent light fixtures which will be mounted on the underside of the second level and the brackets to support the benchwork are all welded together and ready to use. The two things holding up the show is the need to finish the scenery on the lower level, as I don't want to be trying to do so with the upper benchwork in the way, and the fact that I'm in the midst of a major re-equipping of the railroad, with about 100 "new" cars to build or re-build before they're suitable for service, along with about a dozen locomotives awaiting major rebuilds. And to answer Matt's question, which I missed earlier: Yeah, I do occasionally wander from the task at hand, but I try to stay with whatever I'm working on, unless I get to a real roadblock - then a break is good. Conversely, though, if a project is going well (like the current rolling stock work) and I allow myself to get distracted, it's often tough to get back into it.

Errol, I have a ballasting "how-to" saved on my computer, but, unfortunately, no "in-progress" photos to go with it. It looks like it could be a while, too, (see previous reply) before I'll have fresh track to ballast.

Mountain Man, here's a picture of the "gorilla".
[Image: 2007-01-10108.jpg]

All things in good time i guess 35 :mrgreen:
Harry Check out my blog at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://newyorkontariowestern.blogspot.com/">http://newyorkontariowestern.blogspot.com/</a><!-- m -->

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