Broadway Blueline Mikado's
Hi All,

A friend has a question about these locos could anyone give us information about them ?

I have been checking brands on the web and found out Blueline series of Broadway ltd and if I am not mistaken these are the guys who produced the highly acclaimed Big Boy which is now unfortunately sold out and in a way discontinued.

However, I am a bit confused. They have two brands; one is the Blueline series and the other called Paragon.
The Mikados come ,as they say, with DC sound and DCC ready. Now, how can one play the sound on DC?? that I could not understand.Here is the link:

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Does anybody have had any experience with these Blueline loco's? They say the loco's come with factory installed sound system for DC operation ( which I still do not understand) and DCC ready. So lets say if I tuck in a Esu Lokpilot decoder in I will have it run on DCC, then what about the sounds? How do I control them?! ....and how can one control the sounds on DC?
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[Image: up_xm40o.gif][Image: up_lo-1.gif][Image: up_turb10k_r.gif]
I have a BLI Mikado, but it predates the Blueline series, and also isn't a Paragon series. I believe its what was called a "Powerhouse" series loco. I swear they rename stuff every year just to annoy. Curse However, its a pretty nicely running engine and has DCC and DC running ability. Some of the sounds can be activated with a normal DC transformer, such as the whistle, which is activated oddly enough by rapidly switching the direction button back and forth. The chuffing sound comes up automatically. To operate in DC mode, the rest of the sounds require a seperate remote control that BLI sells, I believe. I hope that helps! I haven't used mine in a while because I'm currently in a remodeling process.
The Blueline locos from BLI are an excellent value. They are very good-running, well detailed models, and a bargain for the price. They come with a QSI sound decoder, and have an 8-pin socket for a DCC decoder. The steam locos have synchronized chuffing and random steam loco sounds in DC mode - to get the full range of sounds (and bell and whistle functions) requires DCC or the accessory box that BLI and Quantum sell to put between the DC throttle and the track. Unlike earlier versions, you can no longer activate the horn and bell by rapidly toggling the reverse switch in DC.

The Paragon series are also excellent models, but they come fully DCC ready, and the steamers have synchronized chuffing smoke to boot. It looks very good (as long as the air in the room is fairly still - an air conditioner or fan will quickly blow the smoke away and you lose the puffing effect altogether). The Paragon models are also roughly twice the price of the BlueLines.

I've added DCC to several Blueline locos for clients, and they work quite well. Simply plug in a regular DCC decoder (Digitrax DH123 or similar) and away you go - both the regular decoder and sound decoder get programmed to the same address - the sound functions are all in higher CVs that don't affect the operation of the regular decoder.

The only problem some people seem to have is that their DCC systems don't have enough oomph to program both decoders (motor and sound) at the same time. In that case, there is a CV that you can program (15, IIRC) that lets you lock one or the other of the decoders so you can program them one at a time.
I've only heard good things about them. I don't know about the Big Boys...they are such common models, I think it is easier to identify a manufacturer by whom didn't offer a Big Boy Goldth I've been wanting to get one (or several) of their 2-8-2s for some time.

As I recall, the powerhouse series were full-DCC w/sound locomotives. A few years ago, they had QSI chips. Then they had LokSound (or at least for the Galloping Geese). Then I thought they'd switched back to some sort in-house system. I trust Squidbait's word that it is currently a QSI chip, again. There was also some sort of lawsuit involving them, their builder, and MTH. I suspect that has a lot to do with MTH and BLI offering many of the same locomotives.
My primary goal is a large Oahu Railway layout in On3
My secondary interests are modeling the Denver, South Park, & Pacific in On3 and NKP in HO
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There was a law suit and BLI turned over some models to MTH to settle as I understand, Now once again MTH is suing BLI.
If this keeps up you will have to buy MTH or build your own. Evidently he must figure he can out sue the competition.
As for the Blue-Line Mikes, I bought 2 L2's PRR and I am very happy with them. I am very happy with all my Broadway and PCM locomotives. My friend has a MTH K4 and while it runs OK, he will have to invest in their system to access all the functions. He says no way will this happen, and would not have bought it had he know this.
nkp_174 Wrote:about the Big Boys...they are such common models, I think it is easier to identify a manufacturer by whom didn't offer a Big Boy Goldth
Atlas(Does Atlas make any steamers?), Bachmann, Life Like, Kato, Model Power, Walthers...Thats all I can think of
Torrington, Ct.
NARA Member #87
I went to my Happy Place, but it was closed for renovations.
The first model from the BLI line was the original "Paragon". BLI is credited with bringing sound decoders to the HO market, and their Paragon series all had QSI decoders. These were also involved in litigation with MTH, so the QSI's had to have their BEMF sensitivity disabled. That is why QSI, subsequent to the settlement with MTH, offered their "upgraded chip" for $25 back in 2006. All but one of my original Paragon line now have the upgrade.

At the same time, BLI offered straight DC, and slightly less detailed, engines in what they termed "Powerhouse" line.

In 2006/07, BLI launched their BlueLine series meant for those still fast in DC but who also thought sound was nifty. Those engines, bar none, all have BLI's own sound decoder, but it is not a QSI (correction to a post earlier), and it is not...repeat...not a motive decoder....sound only. People have snapped them up because they are very close to exactly the same shell and detailing, including drivetrains, as the Paragon series. Add a $20 TCS motive decoder and you have a nice engine with sound for maybe $40 less than a Paragon purchased at discount prices.

At about the same time, maybe a few months earlier than the BlueLine (so we're talking late 2005/early 2006), BLI launched their Stealth series. Paragon in every way, but strictly a non-decodered engine. No sounds, no motive decoder, not DCC, and only a light board to control directional lighting.

When the lawsuit between the Korean Model manufacturer and MTH was settled, BLI was obliged to hand over to MTH several engines' worth of tooling, including their nice GG1, and the hugely successful Big Boy. I recall that BLI's J Class from the N&W, a 4-8-4, was also part of the 'payment/settlement'.

I recently purchased a 'new' Stealth J Class and had a friend install a Tsunami 'heavy'. Looks darned nice and works very well.

Most recently, BLI launched a series of brass offerings. When the dust setttled, they converted already available brass parts into their new "Hybrid" line, excellent value. Now, with their new Paragon II, they use their own decoders.
To tack another tidbit on...

I've dealt with their customer service twice. Dealt isn't really the right word, as it was excellent service.
My primary goal is a large Oahu Railway layout in On3
My secondary interests are modeling the Denver, South Park, & Pacific in On3 and NKP in HO
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