Rockford Il. Train Show
Train show at Midway Village and Museum,6799 Guilford Street, Rockford Il., Sat., 11/07/09 and Sun. 11/08/09, opens at noon. I'll be there with the modular group. I was out today to set up my three modules, hope to see some of you there.
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Home again, and everything is back where it belongs. The show? Well, some might call it "self abuse", but it was worth all the effort to get there, set up, and spend a weekend standing on a thinly carpeted concrete floor, talking model railroading.
We had our own room. An N scale layout was supposed to be where we usually set up. The up side? we were able to add four feet of length to the plan (16 linear feet more track). The Down side? The N scale layout never showed up!
There's something about "honoring one's commitments", I guess some people simply don't put any value in that. I'm old, so I see something very wrong with "no-show", on just about every level. A "My world is ending and I can't make it", perhaps with an apology, before the fact, would have been nice. An unannounced "no-show" is wrong.
Both 2-4-4-2's ran beautifully! The narrow gauge, all day both days. The standard gauge, Gem, brass, ran part of each day.
And now begins "The Week". I'll get a brief moment to relax on Wednesday. Veteran's Day. My one day this week to relax is Veteran's Day. Appropriate, if nothing else.
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Our club is set up at the Orange Empire Railway Museum in Perris, Ca this week. It is one of my favorite shows. It is set up in concert with the Museum's annual "Day Out With Thomas" week. The museum is open with Thomas running on the week end before Veteran's Day, Veteran's Day, and the weekend following Veteran's Day. This year the LA Division of the NMRA had a show at the South Coast Botanical Garden on Nov.7 & 8 as well, so we had part of the club set up a smaller layout at that show and the rest of us set up a larger layout at the museum. It is nice to set up a layout on a Friday and be able to run for 5 days before tear down, especially when the 5 days are spread over a full week. The down side is that the museum grounds are dusty, but we are in a much better building this year than we were last year.
I wanted to make it to the show, but found out about it a bit too short notice.

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