More avatar problems
I cant get an avatar that works. I used paint, and made a picture so small I cant see what it is, saved it, and I still get the too large message, I tried loading it from photobucket, and that wont work either. What do I need to do to get it smaller?
Kevin, in photobucket, resize the picture to 80x60 pixels and it should work
Josh Mader

Maders Trains
Offering everyday low prices for the Model Railroad World
Kevin, what’s the problem? Is it the size of the picture (100 x 100 px) or the size of the file (6.29 k)? If your picture is so small that can’t see what it is, it sound to me that you are having problems to meet the required 6.29 k for your pic. If that’s the case, then you need a program that allows you to save the file as a jpeg with a high compression ratio. If you can’t get it done,I could help you, just send me a PM.
Yeah, you could have a picture that is physically the right size, (under 100 x 100 pixels) but the file size is still too large. The photo app I use has a control bar that I can set to any "quality". A slight change in quality, makes a big difference in the file size. For example, a file that is 200K at 100%, may be less than 150K at 98%, or less than 100K at 95%. With avatars, the ratios are the same.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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