A little mistake noticed after years
I plan to use the Kadee uncouplers that need to be glued between the rails. About ten of them are in my cabinet. I bought them when I did start with my very first American layout some years ago. The installation was always a mess. It took some time to lower the ties to have the correct height. I did try to avoid them whenever possible. It was always a miracle to me why Kadee made the installation of this so wide used devices so cumbersome.

However, I did go to the Kadee web page again hoping to find some better explanation how to install them today. May be I overlooked some obvious trick.
Yes I did... I got the thick ones for code 100 rails while I use only code 83. Never noticed that there are two order numbers for the same uncoupler depending on your track.

Isn't it strange how long it takes to correct some mistakes. I did never think about having the wrong uncoupler. Always fiddled with the ties to make them fit. Is that narrow minded...? (don't answer Sad )
I did not know that they made two different above tie magnets either. Of course, I wasn't looking, as all mine are below the ties electromagnets on the "main" and below the ties permanent magnets on the sidings.
Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times
Ditto, but I've made equally boneheaded dumkopf moves myself, maybe worse ...

I wouldn't beat yourself up over it, Reinhard ... you did use your creative noggin to devise a method of making it work!

Creative solutions using what's on hand trumps tossing the wrong part and waiting for the correct one to arrive ... every time!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln
If you've had them for years it's not a bonehead move, they didn't have the Code 83 ones years ago, they are a relatively new product. You're off the hook - this time! Icon_lol

Modeling the Reading Railroad of the 1950's in HO

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Reinhard, the Kadee magnets work well mounted into the roadbed under the ties and covered with ballast. When mounted that way, it doesn't make any difference whether you have the ones for code 83 or code 100. They also look better when mounted out of site, just don't mount the permanent magnets where you don't want nuisance uncoupling.
Russ Bellinis Wrote:Reinhard, the Kadee magnets work well mounted into the roadbed under the ties and covered with ballast. When mounted that way, it doesn't make any difference whether you have the ones for code 83 or code 100. They also look better when mounted out of site, just don't mount the permanent magnets where you don't want nuisance uncoupling.

Russ, do you mean I should take the magnet supposed to be mounted on top of the ties (code 83 or code 100) and mount them under the ties? I did test it but it did not work. Those magnets require only a very tiny gap between magnet and coupling pin of the coupler.
Kadee offers another stronger magnet to be mounted under the track. I should think about that one not to have the ugly magnet between the rails.

At this time it looks like all magnets will be in areas of street running track. I will try to put the magnets on top of the ties but integrate them into the street to hide them.
Your right, I forgot that they had another magnet for under tie mounting. If the magnets are all in areas where the tracks are running in the street or crossing streets, then they can be blended into the road as either crossings or lanes for traffic to share with trains.
I did get the magnets for code 83 rail today. They fit on the Atlas track after some very light sanding of the ties. It works fine, not perfect but it is a great help doing switching in the new part located behind the tables. I have to do some home work and adjust several couplers to make it even better.

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