Coming in from the cold
It is always exciting to see a layout get started. You seem to be well on the way to a great one! Thumbsup My only advice is to keep your wife as happy as humanly possible....................that should leave about ten minutes a day for mrring Goldth

Oh yeah.......GO NP!

I can only hope to do cliffs as well as you do. I will say that my wife is still sore at me from 3 years ago when I made a waterfall for my previous layout using your method. See, I used the special non-stick cookie sheet that she got from pampered chef. Careless, I know... but if she didn't want me using it she wouldn't have left it in with the other cookie sheets.

Icon_lol Icon_lol Icon_lol

I bought her a new one and that one is now mine, but I still hear about "The Railroad Incident" from time to time.
[Image: np_F-1ani.gif][Image: goog.gif]
Back in 1989, I used a cookie sheet with low sides that I filled with beer and left out by the garden overnight. I was so proud of my inventiveness when, in the morning, I had nearly a dozen dead slugs which would never again terrorize my garden to show for my efforts.

Bad Idea!

The wife was very upset ... she could never use that cookie sheet to bake cookies again! I told her I would wipe it down with alcohol and then wash it in scalding hot water and soap. No dice! That sheet was now mine to do with what I wished and the money for a new sheet came from the gardening part of the budget.

It's now twenty-one years later ... we've been divorced for thirteen years ... but I was reminded of my "ruining" that favorite cookie sheet at the Thanksgiving Dinner table at my daughter's place (she roasted her very first Thanksgiving turkey, for her mom and dad) when her fresh baked cookies arrived on the table as part of the dessert fare! (BTW, the turkey was one of the most moist, tasty turkeys ever! My "little" girl hit a home run, first time! And I got to bring left-overs home!)

Be careful what you get caught doing! Some things are never forgotten!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln
I make it a point NEVER to get anything out of the kitchen to do anything that is not for food prep! When I needed a cookie sheet for a project, I went to the store and bought one. If I decide to use a blender for scenery materials, I will go to a local thrift shop and buy a used one. My wife does not go into the garage and borrow my tools. I won't say that I don't use her kitchen ware because since I retired, I'm doing a lot of the cooking; but I don't use her kitchen ware for anything but food prep.
And, Russ, that all makes perfect sense to me now! I just didn't think it through that far at the time ...

... Mistake made ... lesson learned!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln
George and BiL........Using the wife's stuff without permission is always a no-no! Wink I did "steal" some of her stockings to sift dirt...........sssssshhhhhh! don't tell her, my life won't be worth living! Goldth

George, I am sure that you will surpass my rock work, and I can't wait to see you do it! Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup
Update... well, tis the season for other crazy things... xmas shopping, snow plowing, snow shoveling, salting the driveway... is it weird that I have had enough of snow and it's not even winter yet?!?

When we last left Lassie, Timmy had fell down the well and ... wait... When we last left the layout, the cliffs were a daunting challenge because I can screw up steel balls. Thank heavens for Sculpty! But here are some pics of where I am heading. I have yet to hang that last light as I am out of bulbs and I cant seem to find the sulvania daylight anywhere.

[Image: DSCN0340Small.jpg]

[Image: DSCN0341Small.jpg]

[Image: DSCN0343Small.jpg]

Here's a billboard for GERN meats...
[Image: DSCN0344Small.jpg]

Some NP
[Image: DSCN0347Small.jpg]

[Image: DSCN0346Small.jpg]

After the glue dries the cork down after the the bridge, I will have a full on loop and can begin to work on a few more industries. Oh... and the turntable. wheee!! (actually, I am scared stiff about that turntable.)

[Image: np_F-1ani.gif][Image: goog.gif]
Why does the idea of a "GERN Meats" make me giggle. 357

Great work so far. Thumbsup
It's a fact that GERN Processed Meats are 3% tastier than other leading products. I have been thinking of a new product line... Turduckenam in a can!

Hey mom, in a hurry? Shopping had you in a flurry? Don't worry! Pick up a can of Turduckenam today!

If it's GERN, it's GOOD! Thumbsup

[Image: np_F-1ani.gif][Image: goog.gif]

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