GEC's EOY 2010 Challenge

I'm starting to grow concerned with the area around the cab and the battery boxes. I can't get the cab, nose, and cast to all sit together line up and just right. It appears that the thin areas beneath the cab may be warped. i don't know if this was from the casting, or me cutting and removing bits. I'm thinking that once i glue it all together (the right way), the parts will pull back into alignment (since now they are loose, being separate to ease painting).

I've heard somewhere that holding plastic over an open flame would be enough to soften it so that i could possible bend it back. Is this a wise idea?

I have in the meantime got my new airbrush needle, a new dynamic break vent (on the roof behind the dynamic break fans on EMD units) and some of the Cannon parts i ordered, such as the new inertial air filter hatch, which is a lot better than on the casting i made (it looks like the original part used a hatch from a different model). Unfortunately, the new exhaust stack hasn't arrived yet.

Until i get that part, my model will probably be stuck in limbo, as i can't really move forward without installing that part. I *could* go ahead and paint it, but then when it comes time to remove the old part, I'll have to ruin the paint then.

its also occurred to me that i need to find a good set of handrails and stanchions that will work with the locomotive's anti-climber. an average Athearn handrail set won't fit with it. I do have a set that would work, but these belong to my Smokey Valley GP15s, and i hesitate to use them, as they are hard to come by.

Since nothing got done, just me looking at stuff, i don't have any pictures now. It is Finals week for me, and so i won't really be able to get any real work done until this friday.
Modeling New Jersey Under the Wire 1978-1979.  
[Image: logosmall.png]
Well, i went ahead and started working on the model despite not having the parts i need. It s a shame to, the only part i don't have that i'd like to have are some Exhaust stacks by cannon.

In any event, i removed the side steps and air tanks from the long hood. Even on the original, these pieces weren't super fantastic in their appearance, so I'm replacing them with Cal scale F45 steps and Cannon air tanks. The Cal scale steps have the advantage of also being metal, and are very much tougher than the original resin or my casted resin. I also removed the inertial Air Filter hatch (this is that raised area behind 2nd generation EMD cabs on the roof). The cannon Air tanks may be a problem, as i'm not sure how well they'll fit behind the cal scale steps. I had this problem the first time i built this model, and i haven't put much additional thought into it until now.

On the prototype, the steps are actually cut into a little to make space for the tank, but that would be tough to do on the cal scale steps, and I'm concerned that they might be weakened by this. The other option is to cut into the air tank, though that one sounds tricky, since i'd have to carve it to match the step and then press in. I'm sure it can be done, but that's going to be time consuming. I'll have to take another look at it.

Speaking of tough, NEVER try snipping thing parts off. I actually cracked my shell in 4 places! Despite the initially terrifying splits in the shell, they actually came together again quite well with super glue and a little sanding/Wet sanding. You can still see the seam if you try, but you can't see it in the light, and i suspect you won't be able to see it in the paint either. In the future, a Dremel tool with a milling bit (as seen earlier) and a saw can cut the part without adding undue stress.

After all repairs and clean up were completed, I adjusted the metal tabs of the Cal Scale steps, and simply glued them in. They made a tight bond almost instantly. Unfortunately, that is about as far as i got.

The reason being is that i didn't want to add any more details to the roof of my model until i remove that exhaust stack, and while i could have cut it out, i didn't want to leave a gaping hole in my model until i got my hands on the correct parts. I couldn't really install anything up there either, as it would be a bad day if i nicked the new inertial hatch (which is literally would be butted up against the exhaust hatch). I'm going to try and remove everything that needs to be before i go ahead and add more details.

I'm also going to have to find some really skinny styrene strips to border around my radiator screens. these didn't come out as nice as I'd like them to, but the strips would also block the seems between them. Each radiator screen is three pieces, since it had to be cut from F40PH screen material (the GP40FH-2's screen is slightly longer).

I also have to reconstruct the rear pilot. The casting i made (and it's original) had funky spacing to its rear steps, but i can clean this up with styrene sheet built to match the prototype photos. For now, I'll leave it open in the bottom like the athearn style of the original part. I'd like to have a complete pilot, but I'm not sure where i can get some parts, and so I'll work on that later.

That said, the cab and nose sections are ready for painting. I may wait and paint everything on one day so that the colors don't come out funny, but I hope to paint the fans, cab, nose and body all separately. This would greatly ease masking the model.

Here are the photos of the progress described.

Removing the inertial filter hatch

[Image: gp40fh2122110001.jpg]

Removing steps and air tanks with a razor saw

[Image: gp40fh2122110002.jpg]

I used a sanding stick to smooth out the bottom, and prepare the sites of the new steps

[Image: gp40fh2122110003.jpg]

Here it is so far. I placed the inertial hatch on the top, behind the cab. You can see the steps installed, and the old air tanks from my first attempt. I'll probably use the extra step as a guide when cutting.

[Image: gp40fh2122110004.jpg]
Modeling New Jersey Under the Wire 1978-1979.  
[Image: logosmall.png]
Well, its looking like i'm going to be out of luck. Unless i get the last few parts i need, this model won't be done for January first. That sucks! whatever, can't win everytime.
Modeling New Jersey Under the Wire 1978-1979.  
[Image: logosmall.png]
GEC, I haven't commented on this thread much, but rest assured that I have been following along with your work, marveling at your "go get'em" attitude and your attention to detail. And, I always enjoy these in progress threads, trying to pick up new tricks and techniques.

Green_Elite_Cab Wrote:Well, its looking like i'm going to be out of luck. Unless i get the last few parts i need, this model won't be done for January first. That sucks! whatever, can't win everytime.

Hey, G.E.C.! Due to my feeling like maybe I shouldn't do some major chopping on a vintage kit, I think maybe my project has "taken the siding." I will have to think about it. I have initiated a search for more information re: George D. Stock, as well as a shout out for info on how many of this kit Mr. Stock produced.

So I've "taken the siding" and am totally throttled back to an idle, waiting ...

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln
Gary S Wrote:GEC, I haven't commented on this thread much, but rest assured that I have been following along with your work, marveling at your "go get'em" attitude and your attention to detail. And, I always enjoy these in progress threads, trying to pick up new tricks and techniques.


Well, i read that, and i said to myself "you're right!" I went and made some phone calls, found a hobby shop that had one buried deep in its backroom.

And then it snowed. The apparently, the roads to that hobby shop are so bad that tons of cars are abandoned on major highways. Back to square one. However, i'm thinking, if i can get up there, i could finish the rest of the model, and just have to install the last two pieces (exhaust stack, and a side ladder). At the very least, i could get the body painted up, so i'm going to keep doing the other parts of the model and see where it gets me.

P5se Camelback Wrote:
Green_Elite_Cab Wrote:Well, its looking like i'm going to be out of luck. Unless i get the last few parts i need, this model won't be done for January first. That sucks! whatever, can't win everytime.

Hey, G.E.C.! Due to my feeling like maybe I shouldn't do some major chopping on a vintage kit, I think maybe my project has "taken the siding." I will have to think about it. I have initiated a search for more information re: George D. Stock, as well as a shout out for info on how many of this kit Mr. Stock produced.

So I've "taken the siding" and am totally throttled back to an idle, waiting ...

What kind of kit is it? perhaps you could also do what i did here and make a casting of essential parts, and then you won't have to worry about loosing your original.
Modeling New Jersey Under the Wire 1978-1979.  
[Image: logosmall.png]
Green_Elite_Cab Wrote:
P5se Camelback Wrote: ... Due to my feeling like maybe I shouldn't do some major chopping on a vintage kit, I think maybe my project has "taken the siding." I will have to think about it. I have initiated a search for more information re: George D. Stock, as well as a shout out for info on how many of this kit Mr. Stock produced. So I've "taken the siding" and am totally throttled back to an idle, waiting ...
What kind of kit is it? perhaps you could also do what i did here and make a casting of essential parts, and then you won't have to worry about loosing your original.

Just in case you haven't been following along, the answer to that question can be found HERE!

And although the option of making a casting and using that for my EOY Challenge Project is an interesting one, it is unfortunately a direction that would best have been taken back during the first week in November, when there was still time to order casting materials and go through that process prior to starting on the actual project.

That kind of time does not remain, nor do funds to get the casting materials.

I am unable to proceed, concerned now about eliminating a potentially significant (not monetarily probably, but historically, quite possibly) model from history. I hadn't thought of that when I started ... I was all enthusiastic about converting it to the Reading Company's #91210 Scale Test Car. But the more I worked on it, the more I realized it was a "flawed donor." Then it was pointed out to me that I had a piece of history that I was about to totally remake, eliminating any vestige of its former appearance. That gave me "terminal" pause.

I am now conflicted to the point of inactivity!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln
Well, I pursued my phone calls and picked up everything i would need to finish this model on time. Seeing as I have three days to go, i better get crackin!

I do have photos, but i'm just awake in the middle of the night for no reason, so i haven't uploaded them.

Basically, I installed the new rear pilot/steps, carved out the Air reservoirs and installed them on the brass steps, Installed the Dynamic brake vents, the Exhaust stack (took me literally 4 hours of driving to get to the hobby shop and go home due to traffic and getting lost trying to get around the traffic. bad day!), and installed the inertial air filter box.

The main problem that i've come to realize now is that the shell is actually bent slightly. My plan is to super glue styrene blocks to the shell, then drill/tap holes in my Athearn frame. I'll then hopefully be able to straighten the shell out by bolting it down to the frame. For good measure, i'll heat it up to make it pliable so that it facilitates straightening.

I hadn't noticed that it was bent until i put the Air Reservoirs in. While the shell doesn't teeter that much, it is noticeable, and i want to fix it.

After its straightened, i can paint the body. I'll also paint the fans, and complete the nose/cab, then paint those, at about the same time. That way, it can all be installed quickly. Grab irons and hand rails will go on next. The horns and Strobes.

The whole thing should come together very quickly. It won't be as finished as I'd like it to be, but it will be complete in terms of having most of it's details in place (i can worry about the electrical guts of it later).
Modeling New Jersey Under the Wire 1978-1979.  
[Image: logosmall.png]
P5se Camelback Wrote:Just in case you haven't been following along, the answer to that question can be found HERE!

And although the option of making a casting and using that for my EOY Challenge Project is an interesting one, it is unfortunately a direction that would best have been taken back during the first week in November, when there was still time to order casting materials and go through that process prior to starting on the actual project.

That kind of time does not remain, nor do funds to get the casting materials.

I am unable to proceed, concerned now about eliminating a potentially significant (not monetarily probably, but historically, quite possibly) model from history. I hadn't thought of that when I started ... I was all enthusiastic about converting it to the Reading Company's #91210 Scale Test Car. But the more I worked on it, the more I realized it was a "flawed donor." Then it was pointed out to me that I had a piece of history that I was about to totally remake, eliminating any vestige of its former appearance. That gave me "terminal" pause.

I am now conflicted to the point of inactivity!

That sucks, but at least you have something cool!
Modeling New Jersey Under the Wire 1978-1979.  
[Image: logosmall.png]
Well, i've been taking plenty of pictures, but it looks like, if all goes well, I might actually have this model painted and complete by tonight, if i work quickly (unfortunately, i have stuff to do today that might hold me up). I did rectify the shell warping issued by bolting it down on the frame in a particular way that keeps it lined up. I hope this works like braces.

Today, i might have to sand down one layer of silver paint, as the casting was made from an already painted model, and the finish wasn't very good (of course, i bet some dull-cote would removed the weird shine). I could tell this was the case, as all the cannon parts painted up nice and smooth!

Once painted, its just going to be a matter of small details and decals. All the MAJOR work is done, so even if i don't finish in time for the contest, this model should be rolling on time for some of my upcoming show dates.
Modeling New Jersey Under the Wire 1978-1979.  
[Image: logosmall.png]
Well, its completely decaled, and most of the fans are installed. after thats done, i'll dullcote it. Unfortuneately, i can't find the cable to attach my camera to the computer, but i'll dig for it. Its not looking bad.
Modeling New Jersey Under the Wire 1978-1979.  
[Image: logosmall.png]
This thread is worthless without a cable to get the photos out of the camera!

357 357 357 357 357 357
Green_Elite_Cab Wrote:Well, its completely decaled, and most of the fans are installed. after thats done, i'll dullcote it. Unfortuneately, i can't find the cable to attach my camera to the computer, but i'll dig for it. Its not looking bad.
Find that cable and get your finished photos posted. I'm starting to put together the poll and would like to list you as 100% complete.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
ezdays Wrote:
Green_Elite_Cab Wrote:Well, its completely decaled, and most of the fans are installed. after thats done, i'll dullcote it. Unfortuneately, i can't find the cable to attach my camera to the computer, but i'll dig for it. Its not looking bad.
Find that cable and get your finished photos posted. I'm starting to put together the poll and would like to list you as 100% complete.

Found it! Unfortuneately, i can't say i'm 100% finished, need to spray it with dullcote, the Cannon cab still needs windows, and still have a few grab irons and ladders to install. That said, considering that this model was a hunk of junk, i may have actually saved it.

I'll post the in between construction photos later, but this is what i've go so far.

[Image: p1010065c.jpg]

[Image: p1010066n.jpg]

[Image: p1010068x.jpg]
Modeling New Jersey Under the Wire 1978-1979.  
[Image: logosmall.png]
Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just in the nick of time. Thumbsup Thumbsup
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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