Gondolas of Lake Terminal RR.
Gondolas..?? Never mind gondolas....!! That's the most detailed and superbly executed model of ANYTHING I've ever seen..!! Brass locos included...

A beautiful job, without a doubt.... Thumbsup
Gus (LC&P).
Beautifully executed, Bernhard. Worship

Now and really the final chord from my first Lake Terminal gondola model – fresh from the car builder and painter!

[Image: lt_gon_92-2.jpg]

[Image: lt_gon_93-2.jpg]

[Image: lt_gon_94-2.jpg]

[Image: lt_gon_95-2.jpg]

Thank you all who have accompanied my work in all the long time – and thanks to all for your friendly and honouring comments to my works. I hope that I could give a few ideas and hints starting your modeling jobs – doing things which never were done before.
Now the four other models are on my worktable and I think that I can show you these in end of May. I hope you can find that thing where I’m working on …

[Image: lt_dasgewoehnlichechaos.jpg]

… in my total ordinary chaos.
Cheers, Bernd

Please visit also my website www.us-modelsof1900.de.
You can read some more about my model projects and interests in my chronicle of facebook.
Outstanding work Bernhard---your attention to detail is truely amazing Worship
we have to thank YOU for all those progress photos over the past years. You demonstrated a level of craftsmanship that is beyond most of us can ever achieve.
........................................... Thumbsup ...........................................

Even the "superlatives" fall short of describing that craftsmanship !! Worship Worship
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Extraordinary, Bernhard! You attention to every last little detail has been a joy to follow ... watching as you first fabricated brackets and braces and reinforcing straps, etc., and then test fit, apply finishing and then assemble.

Your work is a tribute to German precision!
Mercedes and BMW have nothing on you!

Bernhard is THE MAN!!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln
The gondola project is closed! Models no. 2 to 5 have got their last finish in last days. here a few pictures ...

[Image: lt_gon_96.jpg]

[Image: lt_gon_97.jpg]

[Image: lt_gon_99-2.jpg]

I think that the uparching of the three models in foreground (first picture) and in the second picture will be good visible. The measurement shows that the center is .10" to .11" higher than the body at truck position.
Last what I must do is building the loads - a couple of rails with a length of 60' in order to get a weight near to NMRA rules.
In next weekend all five models will make their second run on a big modular layout (after a first test in raw condition two years ago) and I think to make a few shoots.

Edit: I have added links to the pictures showing bigger views.
Cheers, Bernd

Please visit also my website www.us-modelsof1900.de.
You can read some more about my model projects and interests in my chronicle of facebook.
I certainly want to see the photos of those beauties riding on the rails! Thumbsup
wow, those look great any more photos of other cars and layout?
Thanks for your interest in my models and projects. The boxes are packed for my 300 miles trip to Unna, meeting point of Unna division of FREMO. I hope that I can find an opportunity to run my 1900 and my 1930 trains between all the time table sessions.
Unfortunately I do not own an layout with exception of a short test track so I need such meetings like in Unna or our US-railroading friend meetings in Dresden, Saxony.

For more model projects click this thread - http://www.the-gauge.net/forum/viewtopic...=22&t=1008
or look to my older threads in The Gauge forum.
Better yet you should see my website (in German) but I think that you will find my modeling projects there.
The most simple way ist to open "My gallery" (German - "Meine Galerie"). There you will find pictures of all my models and links connected to the project pages - with many, many pictures most in step by step manner. Enjoy! And I would be lucky if you would like to write a short note in my guest book ("Gästebuch") - also in English, thanks.
Cheers, Bernd

Please visit also my website www.us-modelsof1900.de.
You can read some more about my model projects and interests in my chronicle of facebook.
I think I just fainted a little bit. To do one of those gondolas is beyond incredible so much so that words cannot describe the level of modeling and skill required.

To do four with the same level of detail and consistency? Bernhard you are Master Builder there is no doubt about. There is nothing left to do but... Worship Worship Worship
Cheers Absolutely out of this world...!!! Worship
Gus (LC&P).
Now and at last - a short video clip of my gondola train running last weekend on a big modular layout ...


... until the train has been stopped abruptly by an accident.

What I must do for finishing the project?
Building the load of rails getting the wight after NMRA-rules and thinking about better wheelsets than Kadee code 88 ribbed back wheelsets. Two of models have got Intermountain wheelsets; they do better roll and they have smoother and closer formed to NMRA flange profile so that they have lesser problems with track irregularities at modul connections.
Cheers, Bernd

Please visit also my website www.us-modelsof1900.de.
You can read some more about my model projects and interests in my chronicle of facebook.

Great, great, great 2285_

Greetings Lutz

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