Freelance 2011
I would love to see a over view of the whole layout Goldth
Gary S Wrote:... I can't ever remember seeing your layout room in total disarray. ...
Gary, that is the reason why. It is no "layout room". It is my home office. I got used to a habit to have that room always in "office like" condition. When I worked all year I was never sure when the phone might ring and an important case comes in that needed my immediate attention. I needed to have at least one desk and the computer free of stuff.

lears2005 Wrote:I would love to see a over view of the whole layout Goldth
The two pictures below are all about my layout Sad The other side of the room is a 1' small yard build last year. I did post photos at that time.
[Image: Img_0446.jpg?t=1304837197]
Gary, two photos taken 3 minutes ago while working on the roads and parking lot in the left hand corner. I am just about to store the blue foam and the related tools back into the cabinets and get the dark gray paint, brushes etc. to do the surface of the roads. Next material and tools swap will happen later today to do ballasting and ground cover. The room is to small to have more than one set of material and tools on the desk. The only free space is at the keyboard (needed to write this posting).

[Image: Img_0682.jpg?t=1304854219]
[Image: Img_0681.jpg?t=1304854219]

You have a very nice setup for your layout. I wish I had a window to let in natural lighting. I especially like the fact that you can work and play at the same time.

wow I like the layout
fast car Wrote:Reinhard,

You have a very nice setup for your layout. I wish I had a window to let in natural lighting. I especially like the fact that you can work and play at the same time.


I also like natural lighting over artificial and I suspect that's one reason I'll never have a basement layout.

I really like that long building-that could be a layout in its self.

Summerset Ry

Make Safety your first thought, Not your last!  Safety First!
More progress in the left hand corner

[Image: Img_0687.jpg?t=1304944234]

[Image: Img_0683.jpg?t=1304944234]
I tried to do Smart Toys at 2424 E.12.St LA

[Image: Img_0688.jpg?t=1304974239]
faraway Wrote:I tried to do Smart Toys at 2424 E.12.St LA

[Image: Img_0688.jpg?t=1304974239]

Looks good, Reinhard. Good use of colour especially the subtle changes of blue - did you use Photoshop to replicate the sign?

May I ask who produces the corrugated sheeting used to represent the shuttering?

jonte Wrote:... did you use Photoshop... who produces the corrugated sheeting...
Jonte, the shutters are made from Evergreen sheets. The sign has been grabbed via cut/paste from Google Streetview and resized and printed with Paint Shop Pro 7. A very old but my only graphic program. I have to do an upgrade to a more capable program in the future. I need a function to correct the distortion of grabbed photos.
How in the world do you find all this time to scrach build your building
Hey Reinhard,

Awesome work as always. I love watching your threads, always simple solutions with great results...pity the resolution isn't better on Google, then we could cut and paste whole Although that would take the fun out of it! Scratch building is great and I think once you have the hang of it you can get a lot done fairly quickly...even my mock-ups are being built in 20min now...

Thanks again for taking time to share and explain and post!


The last building is another great build!! I to apprefciate your use of google earth to render your buildings and I have been trying to use google to get a basic idea of structures, but mnay of them are gone as I model 1968. Keep up the great work!!
Be Wise Beware Be Safe
"Mountain Goat" Greg
faraway Wrote:
jonte Wrote:... did you use Photoshop... who produces the corrugated sheeting...
Jonte, the shutters are made from Evergreen sheets. The sign has been grabbed via cut/paste from Google Streetview and resized and printed with Paint Shop Pro 7. A very old but my only graphic program. I have to do an upgrade to a more capable program in the future. I need a function to correct the distortion of grabbed photos.

Thanks Reinhard and best wishes.

It is a big advantage if the skills of the person painting the prototype and the person painting the model are at the same level Wink

This is 1919 South Santa Fe Av LA. The LHS had some brass that could be used for security gates. I got some and tried it until the real stuff arrives in some weeks/month for the US.

[Image: Bild14.jpg?t=1305123853]

[Image: Img_0690.jpg?t=1305123853]
[Image: Img_0694.jpg?t=1305124416]

ps. The "for lease" signs have been added after the photos have been made.

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