New freight cars for the BCRR

my Bear Creek Railroad needs new freight cars. As typical for small railroad companies (and also many model railroaders 8-) the budget to buy new cars is very low. So the company had to look for a cheap way to set new freight cars in service.

A walk through the yard shows some old disconnects, not longer used in logging operation. So why not to build new cars and use the disconnects as trucks?

The first flatcar was build this week by using this pattern. The flatcar top was made from roof slats, cut to size on a big table saw. Screws and hardware came from the scrap box and a few hours later, the new car was ready for a first test run.

[Image: Flatcar_1i.jpg] [Image: Flatcar_2i.jpg]

I'll add stake pockets to the side sills and finally a paint job with lettering next weekend.

I also build gondola side walls for my old 4-wheel flatcar, so I can use this car both as flat and gondola.

[Image: Gondola_2i.jpg] [Image: Gondola_1i.jpg]

Next I'll build a new boxcar on the same pattern as the large flatcar was build. There are also 2 hopper cars planned later this year.

Cheers, Gerd
Hello !!

Today, I build a new boxcar, using the same frame as the flatcar above. The boxcar was made from 10mm plywood and covered with boards from roof slats. The roof and some more details will be added next week, before the models will be painted and lettered.

[Image: Boxcar_1i.jpg]

Cheers, Gerd
I am seriously impressed with the superb detailing of the " workshop" you posed those HO, Narrow Gauge Cars in !!!!!

:oops: :oops: oh, wait a minute, those are "large scale" cars, in a full size workshop. :oops: :oops:

Icon_lol Icon_lol Icon_lol

I'm still seriously impressed. That's some very nice work !! Thumbsup Thumbsup
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Good morning,

yesterday, the cars have been in the paint shop after finishing the hardware on the boxcar and flatcar. Two pieces are missing on the boxcar to be complete and I've to paint the roof black. Once this steps are done, I'll add lettering and the cars are ready for first service.

[Image: Flatcar_3i.jpg] [Image: Boxcar_2i.jpg] [Image: Gondola_3i.jpg]
Click on thumbs for large pictures.

Cheers, Gerd
So just exactly what scale is this? The work looks terrific!
Hi Gary,

it's 2"-scale (1:6) and they run on 5"-gauge to represent a 30"-gauge narrow gauge railroad.

Bye, Gerd
Those look great!
Check out my Shapeways creations!
3-d printed items in HO/HOn3 and more!
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... tail-parts</a><!-- m -->
Good morning !!!

Last weekend, the cars have been outshoped and are ready for first service on 5th June. Here are the final photos of the finished cars after lettering was done.

[Image: Gondola_1i.jpg] [Image: Flatcar_1i.jpg] [Image: Boxcar_1i.jpg]
Click on thumbs for large pictures.

Now I'm back on my Shay project and started with the steam engine.

Cheers, Gerd

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