
Great to see progress with your layout which is one of my favourites on The Gauge. In fact, seeing your thread earlier this
year encouraged me to join The Gauge. Love the quality and attention to detail on the layout. Hope to see more.


Layout videos - <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

New Westbrook <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="">viewtopic.php?f=46&t=8888</a><!-- l -->
You captured the industry very well. What material are you using for your corrugated siding?

Thanks for all the comments guys. This structure just needs a bit of detailing then its all done... Need o get some Heki grass or Deco grass now, haven't seen that being used yet but it looks good!?!

John, I used Evergreen "Metal siding" its the very small relief one that looks like a grooved sheet, make excellet corrugated metal. Then did a wash to bring out the grooves.

I must apologize for thinking that your "lower dock" structure was another of your great looking mockup's. Should have looked closer at the photos! Outstanding job on this structure and look forward to seeing the others come to life in final form. Modeling the weather strips in the doorways really captures the look of the prototype and as Stein mentioned, it's something I've never seen modeled before. Good going!
"Friends don't let friends build Timesavers"
steinjr Wrote:Everything looks great, as always.

One detail I haven't seen modeled before and really love - those rubber curtains over the doors to keep the heat in while allowing the forklift to move in and out. Excellent work!


As a corporate microbiologist for a large food processing company, we have several air curtains within our facilities. All are clear acrylic since multiple hilo's are moving in and out of the same areas. The clear curtains allow the drivers to see what is beyond the curtain, reducing the chance of head on accidents, yet helps to keep refrigerated areas cold. Also, several of the air curtains are powered to open automatically, since heavy hilo traffic destroys the integrity of the curtain over time as shown quite nicely in your structures. Super job.

Here is a video of the layout as it is the lack of greenery and foliage which I need to start doing soon!!

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

Thanks for all the comments guys, hope I can get it looking a lot more realistic soon!!
Nice video.

Your layout gets better everytime I see it.

I particularly like the weathering on the GVSR car.

Look forward to seeing more! Thumbsup


Layout videos - <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

New Westbrook <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="">viewtopic.php?f=46&t=8888</a><!-- l -->
Hi Guys,

Had time this last week to work on the next final structure, part of the Distribution side of my Inland Container facility... Here are a few pic... Lots of detail to be added and ground cover etc but give you the idea:


These photos really show up some of the bad weathering and detailing... I need to do a lot more work on this structure and the interior or the office area!!! Also need to do something on the roof of the office side like aircons etc...
SSWUPinSA up some of the bad weathering and detailing....

You made is small typo there, it should read "show up some of the fine weathering and detailing" 357
Very nice, great layout! Cheers Thumbsup

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
One more...

Thanks Rienhard and Mike!!
I don't know if you are familiar with Model Railroad Hobbyist E-zine. It is free, they just ask that you register (free) so that they can have number totals to give potential advertisers in the magazine. Here is a link to an article and feed back on detailing rooftops. The author is a building inspector in Florida who inspects rooftops as well as other parts of buildings in Florida, so he knows what should be where and why. He illustrated the article with a lot of photos. He also posted a lot of photos after the article came out, but unfortunately someone marked the thread as spam by mistake and then a moderator deleted it without checking the content first so those posts were lost!

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... up_on_roof</a><!-- m -->

Just what I needed!

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