Impromptu scratch built flat in approx. S scale
Here are some pics of a flat car inspired by a scratch building guide by Stumpy Stone on <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->



Here is a hopper type car of no prototype just ftom my imagination.

All though S gauge the figure is O scale to give an idea of size of the rolling stock.



I'm a great admirer of scratch builds. Fun stuff! Are you thinking a wood stain for the flat or paint?
Ralph Wrote:I'm a great admirer of scratch builds. Fun stuff! Are you thinking a wood stain for the flat or paint?

I was thinking maybe a light coat of primer then flat black for sides and ends, for the deck I was thinking a light gray wash. Paints would be acrylic as not sure how a solvent based paint will react to walthers Goo. Micro mark sells a fluid that ages wood in gray and brown tones that maybe another possibilities.

The flat needs stake pockets and brake wheel, the Hopper needs some diagonal braces and some NBW sets. I think I will primer the hopper and paint the wood a dark brown and the cardboard braces(from a cut up cereal box) a rusty brown.

Yes it is very fun and entertaining and even green as the floor and braces were from recycled cereal boxes and the balsa wood is from a walthers assortment of wood parts sold as a grab bag. The S gauge trucks which need paint or metal blackener were only $8.00 a pair compared to the $15-$19 a pair from other sources.
AF350 Wrote:Yes it is very fun and entertaining and even green as the floor and braces were from recycled cereal boxes .

Walthers Goo goes back to before acryllic paint. My first craftsman kits were made with Goo at the important joints (all wood to metal and many of the metal) and then finished with the original Floquil.
These joints have outlasted a lot of the castings.
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BR60103 Wrote:AF:
Walthers Goo goes back to before acryllic paint. My first craftsman kits were made with Goo at the important joints (all wood to metal and many of the metal) and then finished with the original Floquil.
These joints have outlasted a lot of the castings.

Thats good to know. Before doing the scratch builds with goo I had only used it to glue down weights in kit cars. Can be messy but if care is taken not that bad to work with. I will post an updated pic of hopper later as I added the diagonal braces to the sides now to find something suitable for nbw details, will use wire and staples for grab irons ans I plan on doing a small brake wheel & platform to finnish up the details may be a base coat of boxcar oxide red and some rusty highlites on braces.

I acquired some sheet cardboard about the same size and thickness as the back of a legal pad, I fore see some more cars in the near future and maybe experiment using styrene in the same method.
Here are some progress pics of S gauge hopper car.



here are the latest pics of hopper




The metal blackner did not work well may be try again.
Here are some updated pics of painted up scratchbuilt cars.


Gotta love those critters.... Thumbsup
Gus (LC&P).
They are a bit short on the length side due to not having any strip balsa long enough Icon_lol

Once I get the details(NBW and grab irons and brake wheels I will letter them along with the On30 cars but have to get some more dry transfers)

Other scratch building projects in the works will be a caboose carved from a block of balsa,a composite gondola and I just have to try a pickle vat car Icon_lol Also have to figure out what to do with the castings of the On30 GFC from a while back.

Scratch building is almost as easy as the old HO kits but a lot more satisfying 2285_
Hi all,
just a short update still waiting for delivery of some chains for detailing the flat car and need to build fixture to make some stake pockets for it as well. Hopper needs some nbw detail will post photos when details arive and are installed on models. Need to order some more dry transfers to letter the S and some On30 cars as well....that will clear off the bench enough to start a structure project that has been brewing in the back of my mind for awhile.
Well got the chain in the mail today will be ordering some more and still trying to figure out what sort of load to chain down on the Flat car.

Summery of scratch building projects in the works

1) On30 flats, On30 Kitbash, scratch built On30 stock cars
2) Detail and letter On30, S and a few HO rolling stock and locos
3) Carve out a caboose in balsa in S scale
4)A plan for a scratch built building that has an animated feature to it, you will have to wait
and see what it is when it is complete.
Hi all sorry for the long delay in the projects, but life happened and things got put off for a bit. I now know what to do for a load on the s flat car, I am thinking of doing a small steam donky as a load and I now have 2 sizes of chain to secure the load. Not sure what to do for the hopper load maybe coal???

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