iis612's 2012 New Years Resolution Challenge
I have been sitting on a 6 stall roundhouse kit that is about 20% done. It is high time that I sweep off the dust and finish it.
I will be posting starting pics later tonight or tomorrow morning. It is 2 Walther's Roundhouse kits bashed together.
I have already done the mortar lines, attached the window glazing and put the floor pieces together.
Before anyone else can get to it:


They are coming... I promise.

Don't follow me, I'm lost too.
I am not failing on my promise. I just can not find the data cable/charger for my iPhone, which is how I took the pics...
Wallbang Wallbang Wallbang Wallbang Wallbang Wallbang Wallbang Wallbang 35 :oops: :oops: :oops:
Don't follow me, I'm lost too.
Here are a few pics of what I am working with...
[Image: pics231.jpg]
[Image: pics232.jpg]

Here is the rest of the train room...
[Image: pics234.jpg]
[Image: pics235.jpg]

I have my work cut out for me...
And for the observant ones, yes that is an electrical outlet sitting on my model... Don't ask, it is easier for everyone...

Don't follow me, I'm lost too.
Sorry about the poor pic quality...
Don't follow me, I'm lost too.
So, other than kick a few ideas around about how to make the joints in the floor disappear, I have done nothing yet. This structure will be lit, so there is going to be a fair amount of interior details. I need to weather the interior after getting rid of the joint lines. I am going to have to buy some of the compressed air cans for my air brush. My air compressor grew legs while the vagrants were residing here.

Don't follow me, I'm lost too.
I am thinking of using joint compound for the floor joints... I will have to experiment with that idea... Otherwise I might use some old sprue pieces and weld them in... Joint compound seems easier

Don't follow me, I'm lost too.
You could try using a modelers putty, http://www.tamiya.com/english/products/8.../index.htm
That light at the end of the Tunnel isn't heaven.........ITS A TRAIN!

My Railpictures.net Pictures
My Ramblings and Pictures

I have used modeler's putty before and came out with some decent results. I wish I had an example to share. Due to financial limitations, I am working with what I have on hand. I have used joint compound with good results before, but never on a piece that is going to experience flexing. I highly doubt the flex will be very much at all, but over time...

Don't follow me, I'm lost too.
There will not be any progress to report for a while. I am leaving tonight, driving to California. An old friend of mine passed away today. His funeral is Monday. I am leaving today to beat a snowstorm that is coming in to the upper mid-west.

I tried to reply to your PM, but it says that you have it disabled. Thank you. I will have my laptop with me, so I will check in here on a regular basis during my travels. If there is anything I can do, let me know and I will try my level best.

Don't follow me, I'm lost too.
Matt, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss of an old friend. Drive careful my friend. Take your time and get there safe.
Sorry to hear of the loss of your friend, Matt.

For those floor joints, modeller's putty would probably give you a better bond than drywall mud. An even cheaper (and easier) option would be to just leave the joints as-is - a floor of that area would likely have expansion joints anyways. Once you've weathered the floor and added all the interior details, I think that it'll look fine without filling.

iis612 Wrote:Alright...

[Image: pics232.jpg]

......And for the observant ones, yes that is an electrical outlet sitting on my model... Don't ask, it is easier for everyone...


I just assumed that it was for your cordless tools. Wink 357

LOL... That was a good one Doc.
You are right about the expansion joints. My concern is that the scale expansion joint would be invisible. These are small canyons in comparison.
I am just going to leave them as is. I might even score some "cracks" in the floor.

Don't follow me, I'm lost too.
Glad you are back Matt.

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