HO storefront displays
Is there a company that makes detail kits for use as a store window display or partial retail store interior? I am looking for something that I can just glue behind the window so that I am not looking into an empty building. Even a printed cutout would suffice. I need to make a few store windows look a little better without too much effort.
Check out my Shapeways creations!
3-d printed items in HO/HOn3 and more!
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An option, would be your local "sale papers".
You could piece together product photos from those.
Pictures from clothing ad's for a clothing shop window.
It might take a bit, but all it would cost you is time. Advertising mailers don't have to go directly to the recycle bin, nor, do magazine ad's.
Another option, Digital photos. These could be sized, cut, pasted to a "backboard", and mounted behind the window.
Just a thought....
The interior detail of "Ozzie's Bait and Tackle, was bits and shapes of styrene, painted, and glued to shelves.    
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
You can also go to google images or yahoo images. Type in what you're looking for and pictures will come up. you may take a few minutes to find the pic that you want, but it's worth it. You can then download the copy and size it to what you want.
Mike Kieran
Port Able Lines

" If the world were perfect, it wouldn't be " - Yogi Berra.
Spitfire did nice window treatment on her Active Auto Parts store: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.parkdaleyard.com/active.html">http://www.parkdaleyard.com/active.html</a><!-- m -->


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