My Hometown---Part 2
Hello David---here's a shot from the early 80's---check out the high-nosed GP9 and the caboose

[Image: CN4590-a.jpg]

here's another shot showing the Dundas sub on the left.During the steam-era,there was a third track on the far left where the helper engines would wait to assist trains up this hill to Copetown.

[Image: P1060793.jpg]

An east bound freight

[Image: CN41072025etal.jpg]
I don't seem to have much luck at Bayview, David, and don't go there too often. The photo below shows two tracks, but the low angle probably wouldn't show a third track if it were there.

[Image: CNM6302040etalnearBayview-circamid-80s-view1.jpg]

I had always thought that the third track was simply a helper pocket, especially in steam days. As for that wiggle in the Hamilton track, I'd guess that it was introduced when the third track was put in between Bayview and Toronto.
My good friend Ed (Mister Nutbar) hangs out here quite often, and seems to draw trains like barn flies to....uh, honey. Yeah, that's it: to honey. Wink Icon_lol Icon_lol He can probably give you a better timeline on the track changes there and likely has photos to show it, too.

Thanks for your help Doc ,"flies to honey"---sweet 357 Great pictures of the factory,there's a lot more in Hamilton than trains
cn nutbar Wrote:....check out the high-nosed GP9.....

Surprisingly, I found this shot when looking for photos to answer David's question.

[Image: CNgeepsnearBayviewJunction-1.jpg]

While autumn usually starts slowly in most locales, around here it can be very abrupt. As you can see in the photo above, it was closing in on this area very suddenly from the right as I was taking the photo. By the time the image was on film, the entire scene was orange. Icon_lol (For those of you unfamiliar with film cameras, that was the last shot on the roll.) Wink

Hello again---here's a photo taken in 1957 by Jim Shaughnessy that I found in Ian Wilson's book "Steam Through London"

[Image: P1120847.jpg]
Stuart St. surprise---I'm glad I had my camera with me today as a rare visitor (BC Rail C40-8M 4620) and a Canadian national SD75I rolled west through Hamilton this afternoon

[Image: P1120853.jpg]

[Image: P1120854.jpg]

[Image: P1120856-1.jpg]
Cool stuff Mr Nutbar. I just wanted to show you a pic from my hometown. It's not much but you can see the raised (now overgrown road bead) that was originally laid down by the DL&W in the late 1850's. After the Civil war it was purchased by the CNJ and improved upon as far as lessening the grade and widening the curvature of the rails. The CNJ also Improved the Ice House owned by the Lackawanna Ice Company at Lake Paupunonming (now Saylor's lake). It was then sold to the LNE around the late 30's early 40's, I don't remember the exact year. After the LNE closed up shop the CNJ was given back the line by the surface transportation board and basically the next day tore up the rails and abandoned the the entire branch line. This section of track also serviced the Blue Ridge Enameled Brick Co.[Image: 20120415110946.jpg] Now most of the right of way is used by the Blue Ridge flee market as a parking lot.
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  
Here's VIA's original P42DC #900 leading an all stainless steel passenger train through Bayview Junction this morning around 9AM.It's hard to believe those Budd passenger cars are over 60 years old.

[Image: P1120899.jpg]
I think that all the cars with the blue & yellow stripe are second-hand ones from American roads, and have higher seat counts for corridor service.
Must confuse people like the Brits who think a yellow stripe means first-class.
I do see the two types of cars mixed on trains through Brampton.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
hello Everyone---some photos from today.RLK GP40 #4095 at Stuart St. and a couple of Canadian National SD75I's heading west through Bayview Junction

[Image: P1120921.jpg]

[Image: P1120923.jpg]
Hello again---I have to admit I'm a bit envious of all those Norfolk Southern rail-fans who have all those beautiful Heritage units to get excited about---I sure wish the Canadian National would follow NS's example and retrofit some of their diesels.Sorry,all I can offer is another set of these CN orange and black diesels heading east through Bayview today.I can't even take any CP Rail shots as there is a strike and nothing is rolling on that railroad.

[Image: P11209413.jpg]
Hello Everyone---still nothing running on CP Rail due to the strike but that should change soon as the Government has ordered the striking employees to get back to work so the next few days should be busy with the backlog of trains that have been cancelled.However,lots of action on the Canadian National---I lucked out at the CN yard on Stuart St. where a trio of mainline diesels was sitting in the yard,this shot was taken from the Bay St. bridge looking west.

[Image: P1130071.jpg]

These diesels headed out of the yard towards Bayview Junction so I headed there to see what was going on.As these diesels waited to clear the junction,another train came off the Dundas Sub with a container train while another train headed in the opposite direction up the hill

[Image: P1130077.jpg]

[Image: P11300813.jpg]

Finally that trio of diesels headed off to pick up it's train at the Aldershot yard---I knew it wouldn't be long before it returned,so I took up a favourable spot to get some more pictures---shortly afterwards I heard the train returning,here's some more photos

[Image: P1130083.jpg]

[Image: P1130085.jpg]

[Image: P1130086.jpg]

All in all,not a bad day
Hello Everyone---each year on Father's Day,Hamilton hosts it's air-show.In addition to all the regular "Warbirds" from the Canadian Warplane Museum,this year should be very special with a B-29 making a guest appearance so you can bet I'll keep my camera handy. Today the Canadian Snowbirds were practising and I caught a shot of them as they flew over my house

[Image: P1130299-1.jpg]

[Image: P11303014-1.jpg]
Happy Father's Day---here's some shots from the airshow.Even from a distance,the profiles are unmistakable.

[Image: P1130313.jpg]

[Image: P11303032.jpg]
Hey Nutbar!

I'm wondering how close we are to each other... when I saw the Mustang, Mitchell Lanc and B29, they were flying over my house in close formation. And when the Snowbirds came over, they didn't have the smoke on. Are you out by the airport?

I was hoping that during the airshow they'd swing over our place (few blocks from the brow), since we were having a family BBQ... but they didn't make it this far.

I was also hoping to make it to the show Sunday, but had to drop the wife off at the airport in TO for 10:30... so for Fathers' day the boy and I went to Rockwood and celebrated 107's 100th birthday.


We also rode in L&PS #8 and the caboose (my boy's first cupola ride!)


And my personal favourite, TTC 327

OK, so Rockwood isn't part of Hamilton proper, but it's less than a "mile" away... (Hamilton - Halton = mil... mil < mile). 357

For anyone who hasn't been, and is looking for an interesting day trip in the Toronto (and Hamilton!) area, I can highly recommend the Halton Country Radial Railway museum. It's one of the most visitor-friendly rail museums I've been to. They have a large collection of cars they run every 20 minutes (a different car each trip), and lots of interesting displays.

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