Help Save Our Museum -petition
Unlike our friends south of the border - our Canadian Politicians and Big Business have no regard for our Canadian History ( in any form ).
We have destroyed or lost many of our countries historical sites/artifacts over the years.
Other countries preserve and cherish their history for future generations - but I cannot say the same for country.
We have already lost so much even in my lifetime through shortsightedness.
Read the story - sign the online petition
Please follow the link - pass it on
paris junction
CN Mile 30.73 Dundas Sub
Paris, Ontario
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Un-believable!!! Wallbang Wallbang Wallbang Wallbang Wallbang
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
What he said! Cheers I signed the petition.

Don't forget, this is the City that allowed the demolition of the original Union Station (by the railway, but even so) by a midnight wrecking crew. 35 35 35

:hey: + Bump + for it's importance at least + SIGN IT !

paris junction
CN Mile 30.73 Dundas Sub
Paris, Ontario
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RAILFAN products
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Since it will largely be a government decision regarding a museum, how much good would it do for Americans to sign a petition to the Canadian Government asking them to fund a museum or save a piece of railroad history from destruction. In the U.S., if you are not a registered voter residing in the district, county, or state that is going to be charged with setting aside a historically significant item for preservation, you simply do not exist as far as the powers that be are concerned! Any petition includes information regarding your registered voter status and your home address. If your home address is not in the appropriate voting district or you are not registered to vote, your name is expunged from the petition. If I want to support some sort of legislation on the federal level in the U.S., I would address the two senators from my state, and the congress person in whose district I live. I could also send a letter to the President, but NO ONE else in Washington is going to pay the least bit of attention to what I send because I can't vote for anyone else!

I think that there is no harm in signing. I can't remember what I had to fill out, but certainly (at least, one would hope that) Toronto will be taking into account tourism revenues.


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