Deerfield Beach, FL
Thanks Larry,

When designing the track plan for Deerfield Beach I decided I didn't want a timesaver switching puzzle. Also, many small ISL plans seem to have too many turnouts crammed in, resulting in a
layout that looks overcrowded and unrealistic.

Although I've doubled the turnout count from 3 (Palmetto Spur) to 6, I think the new plan still looks quite spacious. The run-around is quite generous and can take 3 large plastic pellet hoppers.

I'd enjoyed operating Palmetto Spur as prototypically as possible and wanted the new layout to be similar. I'll probably block the train with loco leading/Transflo/Publix/Sun Sentinel.

In this imaginary Deerfield Beach , we assume that the loco has left the rest of it's consist further along the line in a passing siding, to which it will return after switching the 3 industries and then return to Ft Lauderdale, FL, long hood leading, as shown in the pic above.

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New Westbrook <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="">viewtopic.php?f=46&t=8888</a><!-- l -->
Mal,Sounds interesting..When the weather gets to hot to fish then I'll build Slate Creek under the A/C.

It will be HO..I hate to gave up N Scale( a bitter pill to swallow) but,I fully believe HO will be better for me in the long run.

I will do a Slate Creek Revisited topic once I start the build.

Summerset Ry

Make Safety your first thought, Not your last!  Safety First!

It's been a while since I posted a layout update. I've decided to proceed a little slower than usual as I don't want to finish the layout too soon.

I always find that as soon as a layout is completed, I start thinking about the next one!

With track painted and ballasted and the layout operating smoothly, I've now turned my attention to structures. I started with the simplest first, Sun Sentinel.

Obviously, the building is a much scaled down version, but I have tried to get the colors right.

Here's a pic showing a couple of paper Hi-cubes spotted at the warehouse.


Next pic, shows local switcher CSXT O717-29 about to depart with I empty paper Hi-cube and plastic pellets empties from Publix (under construction)


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New Westbrook <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="">viewtopic.php?f=46&t=8888</a><!-- l -->
I like that you give the name of the job the switcher is working!

The 'real' CSX O717-29 was reported yesterday , 29th June, heading for Deerfield Beach possibly to switch Sun Sentinel and Publix.

I will be trying to emulate prototype operations as far as possible.

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New Westbrook <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="">viewtopic.php?f=46&t=8888</a><!-- l -->
"I always find that as soon as a layout is completed, I start thinking about the next one!"

Is this because you really don't like operations, just mainly building?

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Tyson Rayles Wrote:"I always find that as soon as a layout is completed, I start thinking about the next one!"

Is this because you really don't like operations, just mainly building?

I think you may have a good point, as most of my previous small layouts were built quickly with a rush of enthusiasm, and then I lost interest.

However, after building CSX Palmetto Spur, I operated that layout much more than any previous layout, especially when I learned more about US prototypical switching

Hopefully, I can achieve the same with Deerfield Beach, which has more operating potential.

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New Westbrook <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="">viewtopic.php?f=46&t=8888</a><!-- l -->
Maybe you need to go with a more complex layout so there is more to do? I know I figured out that big layouts took too long and had too much maintinence for me and small switching only layouts got to boring too quick for me. I finally settled on a small sized shortline so I have switching but can also get out of the yard and go someplace. I also left room to expand on each end at a later date if I should want to. So far I'm still happy with it (been 4 years or so), but come tomorrow or next week who knows? Icon_lol

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Guys, As for me once the layout is built I want to operate so I can enjoy the fruits of my labor and get a ROI out of the models.

Now once I get Slate Creek built I won't be ripping it out any time soon if ever.

Summerset Ry

Make Safety your first thought, Not your last!  Safety First!
Tyson Rayles Wrote:Maybe you need to go with a more complex layout so there is more to do? I know I figured out that big layouts took too long and had too much maintinence for me and small switching only layouts got to boring too quick for me. I finally settled on a small sized shortline so I have switching but can also get out of the yard and go someplace. I also left room to expand on each end at a later date if I should want to. So far I'm still happy with it (been 4 years or so), but come tomorrow or next week who knows? Icon_lol

Yes, I would love to build a larger layout but unfortuneatly don't have the space.

I'm quite happy building a new small switching layout every couple of years, and I've become much more interested in operations and making videos of the layout.

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New Westbrook <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="">viewtopic.php?f=46&t=8888</a><!-- l -->
Alcanman I really like your new layout especially the inclusion of a run around track which gives an "out and back" flavor to the operation. While there is much to be said for simple shove-switching layouts I always include either a run around or balloon track to provide a feeling of arriving at a switching location, performing the work and then departing back the way I came.
Having worked countless switching areas where this is normal I find it more prototypical than the short shove ones unless a caboose is part of the operation. As a conductor, riding the end of a freight car for long distances (a mile of more) having to protect crossings and make sure switches are lined for my movement tires you out easily and can lead to potential injuries. A caboose first or run around operation is much safer.

Is the layout more or less permanently in place, or is it an exhibition type deal?
BOK Wrote:Alcanman I really like your new layout especially the inclusion of a run around track which gives an "out and back" flavor to the operation. While there is much to be said for simple shove-switching layouts I always include either a run around or balloon track to provide a feeling of arriving at a switching location, performing the work and then departing back the way I came.
Having worked countless switching areas where this is normal I find it more prototypical than the short shove ones unless a caboose is part of the operation. As a conductor, riding the end of a freight car for long distances (a mile of more) having to protect crossings and make sure switches are lined for my movement tires you out easily and can lead to potential injuries. A caboose first or run around operation is much safer.


Thanks Barry, After Palmetto, I wanted to go back to having a run around as it gives the opportunity for spurs in both directions.
BTW, what is a balloon track?

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New Westbrook <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="">viewtopic.php?f=46&t=8888</a><!-- l -->
alcanman Wrote:... what is a balloon track? ...

It is a loop. You can turn around an entire train. Not a very common solution in dense populated Europe.
It is some times also used at loading / unloading facilities. e.g. an entire coal train is loaded and turned around to go back.
I was wondering the same thing and found this cool video...

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

...after you watch it, go back and see what the guy does in the first 30 seconds (or so). Eek Eek Eek I'm sure that wouldn't be allowed today. Icon_lol


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