Updated layout photos
Ahhhhhhhhhhh now it makes scence. Icon_lol You'll have to make some piles of stuff labelled " I'll put it in its rightful place later" Icon_lol

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Great White North
I'm working on that right now.I have most everything separated into containers so I know where they go and I have one container labeled "I'm not sure" Icon_lol Of course there will also be all the other little detail pieces but that will be for another day. Bob
Bob, looking really good. Great photos too. You have got the camera whipped.
You have some great ideas.
Great job, I'd like to see the crane you're going to put on the side track

Model Conrail

PM me to get a hold of me.
tomustang Wrote:Great job, I'd like to see the crane you're going to put on the side track

The crane is pictured in the last set of pic on the bottom of page 1 of this thread.
Thanks again for the comments.
Stein-the rolls you mentioned are rolls of cable. To make them I went to the craft store and bought some wooden disks.They come in various diameters. I glued 4 together.You have to make sure that the edges are even so some sanding might be necessary. I then covered the faces and sides with HO scale 1"x6" lumber and the drilled a hole approx. 3 scale inches through the center.If you look closely at the photos you will notice that the roll mounted on the truck is held in place by chains.

As far as the crane is concerned,I built it long before I did the track plan. As I started work work on the plan I still had no clear idea as to how I was going the use the crane. Once I put in the freight handling area I chose to put the crane on the small track you see in the photo.

Charlie-thanks- I'm real happy with the way the photos are coming out. Big improvement over my earlier attempts. Bob

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