My doggie needs a ride!
Some of you may remember in 2009 when I asked for advice about how to medicate my dog Tank ( Need some doggie medicine help. )and then finally lost him.
I was devastated for a long time and missed him greatly. Many people suggested I look for another dog, but 2 things kept me from doing that. One was that it felt like doing that would lessen the importance of Tank, kinda like trading him in -- as one would replace a broken car. I was not about to do that. Two -- I had never gone looking for a dog -- the ones I had always found me.
So a couple of years went by and one night I stopped at a supermarket near my work , way across town from where I lived, as I came out there was this beautiful German Shepard standing by my car,he had a broken chain fastened to his collar. It soon was evident he wanted in my car, I found the security guy and asked if he knew anything about the dog--- he said he had been there for 2 days and the store manager was going to call the animal control in the morning. No one knew the dog or had seen him before , but the security man I was talking with had called the phone number on the tag , which was not a local number and it was disconnected. He also said that as far as he knew he had shied away from everyone and had not tried to get in anyones car till now.
SO ---- next thing I knew I had a very happy ( it seemed) doggie going home with me. Got him home and he seemed to settle in happily, was extremely well mannered , housebroken, just a delight to have , looked like I had a new companion find and pick me to hang out with!
After about 3 -4 days with me I went to the grocery store in my neighborhood late one night , took him with me , I put a window down about 6 inches for him to stick his nose out while I was in the store, it was September, not one of those Las Vegas nights where you would not dare lave an animal in the car because of heat . When I returned he was GONE!! How he vwiggled out that tiny opening I cannot fathom ( about a 60 pound dog) but he did! The Store security pointed out the direction he went and I spent till daylight scouring the streets to find him. No luck. The next afternoon I called the shelter , he was there!! Like Tank , he ( I was still working on what to call him) was unlucky about the animal control , when Tank would play "escape artist" which he was very good at, it only took about 5 minutes till the dog catcher had him, so too was my new doggie. The shelter folks knew me well as I had bailed Tank out of jail many times, when I went in they remarked it had been a while since they had nabbed Tank, I informed them that Tank was gone and they had another dog , then the catch was that I could not prove ownership of the one they had. I told them how I had gotten him and was told I could adopt him after being there 3 days , --Great! --I' ll pay the fee now and get him in 3 days ---- opppps--- it doesn't work that way , 3 days --first come-- first serve . Oh boy--- now I am at risk of losing him , when will the time be up? " 1:30 Wed. afternoon." OK , I can do that , Took the day off work , got there at 1 pm to be told" Roko" was gone !!! Seems that his real card carrying owner had come in at noon and claimed him!! More heartbreak --nuts!!
Time passes , as they say, it,-- "wounds all heels" Icon_lol and I retire , move to Colorado. Everything is peachy . Then 2 days ago ( drum roll ! -- Lightning Bolt!~!) the phone rings , " This is Amie at the amimal shelter , the dog you inquired about is ready for adoption now"
" Dog ?? what dog ?" ------" what shelter"? "The Lied Shelter--- Rocko a german shepard you were interested in ".
" In Las Vegas? That was a long time ago" -- Long Pause ------- "Oh , yes it was ---in in 2011 " .
After some more conversation, I find out that the first owners had given Rocko (I hate that name got to find a new one) away and the new owners had brought him in because they no longer wanted him or he was in jail and they would not pay to get him out, in any case he was up for adoption was I still interested, Hell yes !!-- But I am almost a thousand miles away , can I send the fee and get him later -- nope--- gotta be here and still first come blah --blah-blah.
Now ,I know how beautiful and what a wonderful dog he is and it will be love at first sight for whoever sees him first!! PANIC -- Cold sweat -- What to do ?? 35
In about a minute I called a friend in Las Vegas , would he do me a SMALL? favor , HE WOULD!!
My Friend , Bill, went down , adopted Rocko and is keeping him for me till I can get him somehow. I really can't get there till spring , which is in a way OK because Bill is getting along fine with him ( he calls him Rocky --which is a bet better) says he is a great , well mannered , friendly dog -- he is glad to have him.
Some times I cannot believe the twists fate takes to intercede in our lives but I am sure happy it does , never expcted this saga of loss-- discovery and loss to have a happy ending .
Which leads to the purpose of this post -- anybody coming toward Denver or thereabouts from around Las Vegas , hat would like a nice back seat companion for the trip? I know its a long shot but I really would like to get him here before spring and before Bill decides he would just as soon have a lifelong doggie! ( can't blame him if he does)
Thanks for reading this. Dave
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I just realized I had to join again when I got to Colorado , I think I forgot my password and had changed my Email so I could not get on except by re-registering -- I used to be Scratchbld or scratchbldr . Really seems odd to only have 2 posts showing whhheuuuw .
Instant glue ? ---- SOLDER ---- NOW THATS INSTANT!
Oh man - that's a heck of a story!! Wish you luck!!!! Big Grin Big Grin
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~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Dave call one of your animal rescue groups, you can find them on Petfinder <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->
There are transports for pets done all over the country . I do some in this area. Your local rescues may know some group in your area that can help. They move the pets in relays, some clear across the country. Most drivers drive 50 miles which means they go 100 mile round trip " On the road again" is a yahoo group devoted to transporting rescued pets. You have to supply them with the vet papers and maybe other things as well. My transports have all been samoyeds but there was a springer spaniel that hitched a ride with one of the sammies.
I reccommend a microchip be implanted in him and it sounds like he can never be trusted off lead or loose (been there, can't trust a Samoyed ever.)
PM me if you would like.
Dave, I will also post to my Samoyed group to see if anyone out there can provide me with information to poass a long.
Yes-- it is an amazing story and all true. I really do hope to find some board member who is going to be coming this way soon.
As some of you probably know , besides model trains , I am a hot rodder . I belong to a site called Jalopy Journal or HAMB as it is also known. If any of you are car guys -- check it out , it is a most enjoyable site and a lot of great guys and information there all related to "traditioal hot rods and customs" restricted to 1964 and earlier. In times past there have been many "parts relay--rides given to members parts across the country, I have had 3 39 Ford trannys , a pair of Chrysler hemi heads , a complete set of 41 lincoln brakes brought to Las Vegas that way. I thought that perhaps this would be another occasion wher a hot rodder would ride to the rescue--- NOT EVEN !! I had posted pretty much this same story there and had gotten a couple of answers like I just did here -- then he Moderator deleted the whole post , sent me a notice he had done so -- I realize it WAS off topic , BUT ?
I mean , at the time I posted it there was an ELEVEN page post going on about how to help your kid cheat and win in a PINEWOOD DERBY!! Right below where my post was before it was zapped was a 5 page and growing thread about how crappy it is to have the FLU!! , it never got delted, and constantly there are posts about Prayers needed for someone sick or having some life crisis -- they are well attended ! So I am a bit unhappy with the HAMB right now , thanks for letting me vent.
Instant glue ? ---- SOLDER ---- NOW THATS INSTANT!
Charlie B Wrote:Dave call one of your animal rescue groups, you can find them on Petfinder <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
There are transports for pets done all over the country . I do some in this area. Your local rescues may know some group in your area that can help. They move the pets in relays, some clear across the country. Most drivers drive 50 miles which means they go 100 mile round trip " On the road again" is a yahoo group devoted to transporting rescued pets. You have to supply them with the vet papers and maybe other things as well. My transports have all been samoyeds but there was a springer spaniel that hitched a ride with one of the sammies.
I reccommend a microchip be implanted in him and it sounds like he can never be trusted off lead or loose (been there, can't trust a Samoyed ever.)
PM me if you would like.

Charlie what a revelation!! While I was bemoaning my luck with hot rodders , a railroader saved the day!!
I will check into that today.
He has a chip implanted, my friend had it done when he adopted him , it is programmed with both his phone number and mine . Bill said today that he does not seem inclined to try to get out of his yard , when he was outside today , he went out thru the open gate and the instant Bill told him to come back he rushed inside.

Thanks so very much! Dave
Instant glue ? ---- SOLDER ---- NOW THATS INSTANT!
dave harris Wrote:So I am a bit unhappy with the HAMB right now , thanks for letting me vent.
People that have never had a heart pet don't understand the bond that is made between a loving pet and the human friend. I lost my heart dog a year ago on New years day, and his 3 year old (not related) sister dropped dead in August so I know what loss you were feeling.
I can't make any guarantees that you will find help, I am willing to try.
I just posted to my group (which I own) and we have folks involved in Samoyed rescue from all over the world but I don't think we have anyone from Denver or Vegas, but this is only Samoyeds.
Here is a link to GSDR in vegas
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

and the one in denver
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
Contact them and see if they can help redirect you. If anyone in my group can offer advise or help I'll let you know.
Charle--- No luck so far the Las Vegas connection has no idea on getting a dog transported , the Denver location has no phone listed so I sent an e mail asking for them to get back to me --we will see. However , now that I know such help exists I will start looking on my own to find something. If you get any more info , let me know and I Thank you forever!!
Instant glue ? ---- SOLDER ---- NOW THATS INSTANT!
One of the members on our group asked if you might have a connection with an over the road truck driver. That is another possibilty.
Haven't heard or had any other posts to the group. Like I said it's a long shot but we will keep at it.

Dave see if there is anything here <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

I don't have tikme to read it very deep
Dave time for one more link.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
good luck
Thanks Charlie, I will contact them both. I also realized I know a trucker , my Nephew is one , lives in Salt Lake City. Great idea Thanks.
Instant glue ? ---- SOLDER ---- NOW THATS INSTANT!
I don't have any connections in that area. I have my hands full with the few I am involved with here. If I did I would be on the phone.
Keep us posted on your progress. If your nephew can't help he may have friends that can. Call it networking... Icon_lol
Charlie I have contacted operation roger and on the road again , have applied to join both groups -- am now waiting on answers. On the road again is a group of truckers , sounds like the best bet but no sure thing yet.
I will keep you posted. Dave
Instant glue ? ---- SOLDER ---- NOW THATS INSTANT!

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